Also while dromons against buildings are reasonably compare vs CGs they’re way behind an elite cannon galleon. I think it can be balanced but I have to concede having that extra utility, anti unit utility, does make it trickier to balance. I’m definitely not saying it’d be super easy, but I think it’d be worth the effort.
So now we are having Icons DLC like AoE3 had its explorer’s DLCs. Are User Icons really worth selling as Cosmetic DLC? You wouldn’t even be able to see them whole game after loading screen.
If they indeed start to sell icons for real money, this is a very bad sign…
Not only should they better concentrate their programmers on pathfinding and their graphics people on new architecture sets and unique castles. It would also show the declining respect for players who love to play a normal game without microtransactions and mobile game vibes.
If the devs (or MS, I suspect) didn’t learn from the badly-received RoR and the negative feedback about the price of TMR, we may still give them some additional one for such a move. I will definitely never buy cosmetics DLCs. Lets not support this!
I can’t say i’m excited for micro-transactions, but so long as it remains for cosmetic stuff I don’t care too much.
Honestly they HAVE to do this, or charge us a subscription, eventually. They can’t keep adding civilizations and/or campaigns indefinitely.
Honestly lots of people have been asking for more architecture sets and unit skins. If these icons are profitable, then maybe they’ll experiment with skins. That might actually allow people to pay for exactly what they want and only what they want.
Not trying to be a microsoft apologist, I can very easily see this going sideways fast. I trust FE but I can’t say I particularly trust Microsoft. We’ll see what happens, but I don’t see this as incontrovertible evidence of DE end times.