Upgrade for Mercenaries

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Possibility of enabling the mercenaries that the “Mercenary Contractor” gives you (when going to 3), by means of a face, which is especially unfeasible in non-treaty games, since you have to prioritize another more profitable pass, and without having to change politician since you would save a letter.

Mercenary upgrades in the bar, for mercenaries of third age when moving to fourth and for imperial

Change the Theaters card to third and remove the population reduction from the outlaws and instead of 1 extra bar and a reduction in the cost of the Mercedarians by -10%

Taking the theaters card away from the Swedes

These mechanics are also available for civs. asian

Sorry for the bad English

Hahah, uno siempre dice eso incluso si no hay errores gramaticales :V
You speak Spanish perhaps?

yes, I place it in case there are grammatical and coherence problems.

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