I’d like to wager that the problem with the US is not so much the FI, but rather the fact that American Gatling guns can be massed so easily and have the card that lets them fire nonstop.
It’s gotten to the point that a group of them can easily counter anything, with only Culverins providing a reasonable answer, which invalidates the typical counter system where each unit is countered by at least 2 other units.
If addressed, the naked FI of America would be much more fragile, and it would also address the issue of America in treaty, which is just sheer pain to deal with.
Just train culverins, one shoot to kill one gatling.
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Re-read my post. (20 char limit)
Just train Culvs unless your Aztec or Inca, then I guess your just boned, all their anti artillery is infantry based.
Nothing more enjoyable then an age V US player with free gating guns spewing out of their forts and imperial marines spawning from every building and wall you destroy…
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I’ve massed gats both successfully and unsuccessfully. I noticed that I have the best success when my opponent thinks 2 culverin are enough to kill 20 gats. It’s true with all unit spams that you need to get enough counters to actually beat them.
crazy idea, what if gatling guns deal range damage instead of siege.
They still have the multiplier so their damage vs infantry is still very good but their damage vs cav will be reduced and their damage against other artillery will be non existent
20 gats will take like almost all your population slot, this makes them very vulnerable to cavalry charges. I seriously don’t see the problem.
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problem is when in the higher level it kinda becomes build order cheese as players build deck to hyper optimise so it becomes a bit of a guessing game, you guess wrong and you just lose.
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I honestly seen people trying to cheese me with that but the normal 2 falc + 2 culverins make short work of that. Gats lose the artillery war quite easily. They usually come with 8-10 gats and a bunch of regulars. It is a fairly even match.
Haven’t really played aztecs and inca lately but my guess would be that AK and huarcas can still deal with them.
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I think with the pros now starting to explore the civ more there will be a bit more cheese to come, so probably there will be a few things that will be looked at again, like with ethiopia
Yeah there’s no issue with gatlings, both falconets and culvs kill them easily. 2 falc for example deals with 3 gatling shipment no problem. They trade being slightly better vs inf for less range and being worse vs buildings and other artillery.
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Maybe Aztec and Inca can research or have active from a certain age a target area of effect ability to make a very small area of units (or even just the one) invulnerable (Red Alert’s Iron Curtain-style!) for a small length of time. Aztecs had Quaquachictins who got themselves in a berserk fury and would recklessly attack the enemy, so something along the lines as ‘Quaquachictin Fury’ and and Incan equivelent could suffice as a special ability power.
I’ve said so in another thread: Rolling Artillery is too strong of a Card compared to the artillery cards of all European civs. You can buff the rest of US’s roster (maybe not the Regulars nor the Minuteman/Marines) but that Card needs a nerf. This US push becomes too powerful if you also send Coffee Mill Guns.
It’s not though. China got a couple of little changes and shot straight to S tier. US have had this card for months have remained mid B tier as always.
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US is B tier because, outside of Gatlings, Regulars and Minutemen, the remainder of their roster ranges from OK to mediocre, while having a merely decent eco. That is why I’ve said that they should buff stuff like Carbine Cavalry or even Sharpshooters. Hell, I’m not even asking for a nerf to Gatlings, just make the Card that gives you INFINITE 3>2>1 Gatling Guns have a slight resource cost. Also I’m just questioning the balance of one Card, I’ve never mentioned the balance of the civ.
The card isn’t that great, you might send it once more for 2 gatlings but it’s not often being sent more than that in supremacy. Taking into account that the 3 gatlings just get sniped by 2 falconets, being able to send another 2 is nice but not op at all.
When it’s 3 gatlings the resource value is in line with other age 3 shipments, but when it becomes 2 and 1, it’s terrible value, I don’t even see any use for it in treaty because infinite 2 horse guns is better.
Sending 3 gatling should start at 2, then 1, then 3 (but from then on it could stay at 3 gatling).
Nobody would use it then, 2 galtings is terrible value for an age 3 shipment and 1 even worse.
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I would literally rather have a few quaker guns than 1 gat.
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Are 2 organs bad compared to 2 gatlings?
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