The Nubians are an interesting prospect! This Nile river civ has a very long history. Most of it is actually ancient, but there’s plenty past the fall of Egypt and even Rome. Nubia became a mostly Christian land but the mastery of archery nevery disappeared although they fell in 1504.
Nubians (2300BC-1504AD)
A Camel and Archer Civ
- Camels +1 Pierce Armor, +1 melee armor starting Castle Age. (+1/1 total)
- Gets Camel Scout
Camels are a fair mainstay of the region as is in most of Africa. It is said that Camel’s milk was rich and their desert roaming potential made life even possible at long distances. Camel scout is here for a reason. You’ll see in a moment. Now that India isn’t using this, the bonus is free real estate!
- Fallowed or destroyed farms give 15F +10f per farming tech.
The Nile still served well as an excellent agricultural silting prospect long after people realized Bronze was old tech. Need a good balanced number here if 55 food per farm is too much
- Arrows travel 25% faster to their destination faster.
There’s no doubt this is the land of archers. This doesn’t increase accuracy. If there’s a 20% miss chance, then the arrow will still miss and travel to the wrong location faster. It isn’t smart targeting so a moving target can still escape. How much faster is a balancing question. But DPS is unchanged. Only the amount of time you have to dodge is impacted.
Team Bonus: Camel units +2 LoS
More camel bonus. This is also a very selfish economic bonus for this civ as they start with a camel.
Missing Techs
- Barracks: Halberdier, Eagle Scout
- Archery Range: Hand Cannoneer, Parthian Tactics, Elite Elephant Archer, Cavalry Archer
- Stable: Cavalier, Steppe Lancer, Hussar
- Siege: Bombard Cannon, Siege Onager, Armored Elephant
- Dock: /
- Blacksmith: Blast Furnace
- Economy: Two Man Saw
- University: Heated Shot, Arrow Slit, Keep, Architecture
- Monastery: /
- Castle: Sappers
You do see elephants. For millennia, the elephant was more than useful in this region of the world, although by the time they reach their imperial might, Ptolemic style warfare fell out of use, so access to regular but not Elite archer upgrades for these guys mostly as a shout out to their rich elephant warfare history.
Unique Unit: Ta’Seti – Powerful Archer of the Eyes whose attacks do massive damage to living units if the unit is facing your direction when the arrow makes contact, but deals pitiful damage if facing away and half the time bounces off harmlessly 50% (25% for Elite) even if the arrow made contact and does 0 damage. Siege ignore this attribute. Also, a target appears above a unit’s head that is being shot at so the player KNOWS to pay attention to that unit if 1 or more Ta’Seti are aiming for it. The extra damage is not BONUS damage so enough Pierce armor like Huskarls and Inca Eagles can just not give a damn.
Ta’Seti | Stats | Elite |
Hit Points | 40 | 50 |
Armor (Archer, UU) | 0/0 | 0/1 |
Attack | 5 (+2 vs Spears, +3 if target is at least partly facing you when arrow lands) | 6 (+2 vs spears, +4 if target is at least partly facing you when arrow lands |
Range | 5 | 5 |
Line of Sight | 8 | 8 |
Accuracy | 100% | 100% |
Rate of Fire | 1.9 | 1.9 |
Movement | .85 | .85 |
Cost | 40w,45g | |
Train Time | 21s | 21s |
Elite Upgrade | 800w,800g | 55s |
The Archer of the Eyes. It is said the aim of the Sudanese people was so good, they let their enemies call out what parts of their body they wanted their arrows to hit. And then they’d hit them. Often, the name Archer of the Eyes implies they could hit the eye. That’s why the unit does extra (not bonus) damage to units facing them. I need help balancing out the numbers. It’s a very all or nothing unit every shot. In fact running away almost ensures you can run away and heal. I can use some assistance getting the numbers to work. Again this idea is conceptually experimental and I preemptively apologize if this, admitted unique, concept just doesn’t flow right.
Castle UT: Water Bags – Camel and Elephant food cost reduced by 60%.
Perhaps too much camel bonus? This civ’s Stables really falls off otherwise after Castle Age where Knights and no Cavalier just aren’t going to cut it and Blast Furnace is also missing. Even with +1/1 armor, these camels are a just a tad too vital carrying the role of frontline for this civ. Anyway, Water for Camels is important, keep em hydrated. Also elephants because I like elephants!
Cost: 500f/350g
Imperial UT: Called Shot – Archer/Xbow/Arb and Skirmishers do +1 damage if their attack will only do 1 damage.
This needs explaining. If you would hit say, a Malian pikeman you won’t get the bonus because of the antil spear bonus even with a non fully upgraded Elite Skirmisher but a Full armored Hussar you will do +1 damage to.
Cost: 700f/900g
Gameplay Strategy: This tech tree is a little thin. No Cavalier, no Hussar, no Blast Furnace. This civ excells at Camels and archers and does so very well. It is a civ that almost demands micro skills to play as, but also to play against.
Early game camels are key. And farming will see food spikes at points when your farms run out of food all at once. It can feel quite satisfying to get all that instant food supply, but if you make farm, delete farm you’re not getting wood cost effective trade. You’re going to need that wood for archery. And that leads to the biggest issue here: a somewhat limited tech tree. Mixed archers and armored camels is not a bad tech tree by any stretch, but there are some unit combos that just make life hard.
This civ… is a bit of a strange one and VERY unorthodox, I’ll admit. It doesn’t exactly play by the rules as it really demands micro rather than just rewards it. No mistake, it rewards it too. But the UU is probably just unwieldy enough you’ll probably stick to Archer line who, while they will technically lose to other archer bonuses, have an easier-ish time in archer fire and move micro wars. The Ta’Seti is best used in situations where a fight is FORCED. So backing them up with an Onager firing upon the enemy TC is a great way to force enemy knights to rush it down and force pressure, only to be potentially have to rush down that catapult of boom prevention.
Again I’m not sure about the balance here, so I’m all ears to make this right!