Usac's Civ Crafting Brainstorms Part 1- Toltecs

Alright I think the civ is in a good place. Just going to try and work in the Toltecatl over the Bombard Tower replacement and then it’s on to civ 2 but don’t be afraid to discuss here more and more!

For some reason I can’t edit and correct the post from my phone. I dnnot want to have to remake the thread but the change to be made is the Toltecatl building which grants a healing and building defensive bonus for all structures in its radius but it itself isn’t very sturdy and multiples don’t stack and it costs almost half a castle to build.

You cant edit a post after a few days pass

The unique building is now the Toltecatl an artisan center that grants nearby buildings increased survivability.

I think I would prefer if they just had a bonus to help repair buildings or just taking less bonus damage

One aspect of the civ I wanted was for the Metallurgy tech to be a flat extra bracer and Blast Furnace tech but that get bland.

The civ is likely in a strong place as they are good drusher and have it really good saving both 30g and 15 seconds with Loom which doesn’t seem like much but this early can be a godsend. I was considering upping the savings to 66% or 2/3 less time and cost which compared to the 60% saves an extra 3 or 4 gold depending on rounding and an extra 2 seconds. Not much here but when Wheelbarrow only costs you exactly one villager of time (and slightly more food than 1 villager) things start to get more interesting. It also means if you can possibly spare 25f and 8 seconds to get +4 LoS on buildings which might just stave off a forward rush that much better.

Sure Vikings, Aztecs, Byzantines and Goths have more valuable versions of this bonus but the combination means the bonus is actually good and is original enough even though I know a few of you say they didn’t find it original or defining enough.

I’ve decided to rebuild this whole thing from the top! So let’s see if we can make this pop!

Toltecs: A Defensive Civ

  • Skirmishers +1 damage vs archers per age (+ 3total)
  • Start +75w, 75s
  • Town Center Techs have 60% less cost and research time (excludes Age up)
    Team Bonus: Dropsite buildings build speed 3x

I still think these boni are solid and yet to be stolen by the 7 civs that have come out since. I changed the Team Bonus to buildrate for storage facilities.

Missing Techs:

  • Barracks: Elite Eagle Warrior
  • Archery Range: Cavalry Archer, Hand Cannoneer, Parthian Tactics, Elephant Archer
  • Stable: All of it!
  • Siege Workshop: Bombard Cannon, Siege Ram
  • Blacksmith: Scale Barding
  • University: Bombard Tower, Heated Shot
  • Dock: Heavy Demo Ship, Cannon Galley
  • Monastery: Fervor, Faith
  • Economy: /
  • Castle: Sappers

The tech tree is also unchanged. Suffice to say any new Barracks techs, Gambesons, are still available.

I also think the UU serves a very important function of map control in lieu of a lack of late game eaglery.

Where I feel the most changes are needed are the Unique Techs so… let’s get into it.

**Tortilla: ** Increases the speed of all food income by 20%, farmers move half as often. All remaining food sources are revealed on the map.

It’s Grand Trunk for food… probably isn’t enough when you find you’re living by ONE food source now. So, there’s something extra even if it isnt an end all be all. Food also probably isnt this civ’s “to live by”. I had considered making this food AND wood since wood tastes less bland than corn chips but…

UT 2: Obsidian Edge - Non-Castle Units ignore half a target’s armor except vs buildings and rams/siege elephants

Basically, if a target would have 6 armor you treat him like he has 3. This works for missile units too. Keep in mind these effects work for archers which are no Comp bows but the ability to do this MIGHT be a lot. I could lower it for archers to 33%. It also effects Scorpions btw! Have fun with those! It doesn’t affect Castle Units and let’s face it winning treb vs Trebs like this feels unearned. A half pop unit who can essentially do +2 damage minimum vs most troops with full armor tech just sounds disgusting! Hard pass!!!

Now the feel of the civ is different. This civ still lacks the raiding power of an Elite Eagle squadron.

I also did away with the Toltecatl. It doesn’t feel right here.

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