- Halberdier
Halberdier was planned as a unit with slow speed but strong damage.
But not only are they not playing too slowly, but the damage is not as effective as expected.
Even if they raise their prices a little bit more, the damage to Halberdier should be large enough to stop the cavalry and kill the approached light infantry easily.
melee damage 28 is too small Russia’s 4hal should also be able to kill one veteran huss or one veteran skim in one attack.
I hope they will be given block near cavalry and urgent defense missions to give them room to appear even at low speeds.
- Grenadier
Although grenadiers are classified as heavy infantry, they have the disadvantage of being weak against cavalry. Even they are vulnerable to all units if not to the same heavy infantry.
There’s no room for large numbers because we have to build the Artilly Foundry, the price is expensive, and It has 2 pops
It would be more beneficial to train Musketeers to attack enemy units, or to train pikemen for siege.
This unit is characterized by a wide range of attacks and a siege attack, meaninglessly reducing its hp to 180 and lowering its pop and price will give it room to emerge to destroy the enemy’s solid buildings.
What’s more important is to make sure that this unit is artillery or heavy infantry.
- Cavalry Archer
This unit’s hp is higher than goons’s, but its damage is ridiculously low. Russia and Ottoman, which produce this unit, are famous for being weak to melee cavalry.
If can’t allow this unit to increase its damage, should lower its hp and pop to make it have a large numbers. Like Ruyter.