[ v0.1] Introducing Aoe3 Injector!

Hey Modders !

What does it do ?

Updating and adding new element (for now) to protoy.xml and techtreey.xml

Why would I use it ?

I’ve coded that to avoid conflicts with further update.
What if an element change position ? What if an element is added and has the same name as yours ? I’ve checked many cases and it should be fine.
Also, the longer is your mod/balance changes, the longer you will save time by using this program :).

How To Use It ?

  1. Go to the link below, it will brings you to the Gitlab repository. The code is open source.
  2. Get the zip file from Build in a new empty folder.
  3. Create Folders such as :
    _ _ _ \___ [New] : drop your new xml element for techtreey.xml
    _ _ _ \___ [Update] : drop your updated xml element for techtreey.xml
    _ _ _ \___ [New] : drop your new xml element for protoy.xml
    _ _ _ \___ [Update] : drop your updated xml element for protoy.xml
  4. Add original Data from the game file with resource manager such as :
    _ _ _ \___ protoy.xml
    _ _ _ \___ techtreey.xml
    Those files will be updated after the program has been executed
  5. Uncompress the zip file
  6. Run the .exe
  7. Select what you want to do. Green circle means it has been correctly, a yellow cross if anything wrong has happened or been encounter. (messages might not be precised enough, so feel free to contact me if you’re unsure of something :).
  8. Drag and drop the Data folder into your local mod folder. Your mod is ready !

Example of mod setup with my Aztec mod


If you have any question, feel free to ask me :slight_smile:

Roadmap (not in order) :

  • strings support : able to add specific language and link them in the game database. Currently not possible, as game crashes with update English strings :confused:

  • find element and copy it to a new file: create a new XML file so you don’t have to do an Update or a Create by yourself. It should save you some time :slight_smile: