At low level elephant archers can be viable too (i use them 11)
The combo elephant+imp skirm is good because both of imp skirms killing halbediers faster, and elephants holding more halbedier hits.
The only elephant civ with heresy, if I remember correctly, is Malay, which make sense because their elephants are worse at later stages in the age.
Burma elephants with heresy could be great in castle age, but burmese lacks the Malay discount to do an elephant rush.
In imperial age, heresy could help their elephants a bit. Burmese doesn’t have any other power house unit susceptible to monks: their siege is average as much, they dont have paladins… Ans since their elephants are not in a good state your idea could be balanced.
Maybe, I would like to compare khmer, burmese and Vietnamese FU elephants with Vietnamese higher fire rate for Vietnamese.
To simplify my calculations, I will state that Vietnamese elephants now have a rate of fire of 1.8. So, every 15 seconds, Vietnamese elephants would have one extra attack (before that, they deal their attack some milliseconds before).
- Khmer: 21 attack, higher speed (so they reposition themselves faster after killing a foe)
- Burmese: 18 attack, +6 against buildings
- Vietnamese: 16 attack, with one extra attack after 15 seconds.
I dont know, but I feel this may be not enough… I prefer to buff their resilience instead.
The only bonus I can think not related with survivality is faster training speed, which may make elephants more usable on certain situations in which you require a fast defense. At least, they would have some purpose. I suggested this bonus for indians in case they receive battle elephants, but I dont think they will need such a buff.
Other possible buffs are higher blast radius for the trample damage, but this may fit burmese better (so they can use elephants as pseudo-rams). Is trample damage affected by bonus damage?
This may be good, but malay could benefit from this bonus more, as it has been stated
Malay are not in a very good shape, so this could help them a bit, without buffing elephant stats.