Villager walks into foundation after placing and quickly right clicking it


It’s not a bug! Zach has a mouse with a double click issue. Play all his videos in slow motion and you will notice that when he builds a house he right clicks on top of it.

Back when I was a technical support in Voobly I have had a guy record a video of the so called villager walks into structures and I noticed the same double click behavior. I advised to change his mouse then the problem disappeared.

Maybe for some people, yes, but for others (me) why did it only happen when playing online multiplayer, and never when playing single-player vs. AI? If it was a mouse issue, I think it should happen in all games.

That said, in the interest of full disclosure, I did discover shortly after the AoE4 beta/stress test in late 2021 that my mouse had an intermittent LMB-clicking issues, and is likely the cause for one of my old AoE4 bug reports. Yeah, I had troubles selecting units, and also issues when trying to click-and-drag a box around units, as I recall. My mouse was quickly dual-clicking instead of letting me do one prolonged click, and so I couldn’t click-and-drag a box around units sometimes, for example. (I’ve since learned if it happens, I can move my pointer finger over a little and hit a different part of the mouse button for it to work.)

Perhaps the mouse issue has gone on longer than I thought and actually did impact my AoE2:DE online gameplay somehow? It sure is an interesting coincidence that you say a mouse issue caused it for Zach and I’ve had mouse issues, and I posted in this thread before, too. Still, a quick LMB then RMB never caused the issue for me in SP games… only MP.

The more I think about it, where do you think the double-click is happening… with the LMB, or RMB? And why would that be problematic? At least in the game’s present state, no matter which button you double-click, the building still gets constructed. Maybe they changed things in a patch…but no matter what button-click combo I try tonight in SP mode, I cannot make my villager stand in the middle of a foundation.

If you’re trying to say the double-click is actually the quick “LMBx1 then RMBx1”, that’s not a double-click… that’s an intentional action reported by us above. We do that a lot; it’s a purposeful action to do LMB then RMB really quick.

A double-click would be more like LMBx2 or RMBx2… and neither of those would cause the issue today – and I don’t think then, either(?). For example, LMBx2 + RMBx1 doesn’t cause the issue. And neither does LMBx1 + RMBx2.

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HI all,

Thanks, we are already tracking this issue.