Villagers chased by boars will stop and fight back if they are right clicked to a different resource

I don’t really mind if you call a bug or feature. A minor issue I would say.

No one is denying this. But still QoL features like shift queue and auto farm reseed are nice to have. Fixing this issue would be a QoL improvement imo.

Well again… this might be one of my least concerned issues. My argument is simply you can’t just leave all legacy things there because they are legacy.

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and I don’t deny that, my statement was people calling it a bug for no apparent reason, which is different from “all legacy is good”.

QoL aside, I don’t see how attacking a boar and having it aggro you while you call that same vill to cut tree is a QoL feature. you’ll need to have that villager run, garrison or fight back regardless, or wait till boar lose aggro those are 99% of the option we all do early game, ain’t no QoL when a boar killing your villager while its cutting tree.

Mostly it’s misclicking on a sheep under TC? I’m a rare victim of this issue anyway :joy:

im guessing that or drop w/e resource it has off at TC. since resources less than 0.5 won’t show any resources are carried but you can still drop them all. that task prob make vills turn aorund and fight.

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There’s an extra weird situation in this. One thing is that the vil is assigned to a resource, but then if after you click the resource, then you ask the vil to “walk” again to an empty space, then there’s an inconsistency. If the vil was assigned to gold/stone, then the vil fights back, but if the vil was assigned to chop wood (before making it walk to an empty space), then the vil will just keep walking. I feel like if the last action was “to walk”, then the vil should just keep walking all the time. It’s weird that it’s inconsistent depending on the resource too.


Hey I just tested this. VIDEO ATTACHED. revalenz is right, there is an inconsistency in how this works depending on which resource was misclicked. Probably hasn’t been noticed before because misclicking stone/gold/berries is unlikely. But it is there. I think that this issue is now quite obviously a bug.

I believe the correct behavior should be that all res should work the way wood works:

  1. If you misclick to collect a resource and don’t correct then the villiger fights back when attacked.
  2. If you misclick to collect a resource but then correct by giving a move order the villiger should not fight back, even if the resource you misclicked wasn’t wood.

This is what most people seemed to say previously, is consistent with AOC, and make logical sense since it punishes misclicks but allows you to correct the error if noticed.


Bump this up

20 chars

Hi everyone,
thx a lot for this report, we are now tracking the issue.
Have a nice day of RBW5!


I would be very happy to see this issue fixed.

Very often you missclick sheeps’/boar’s/trees’ hitboxes unnoticed when luring and sometimes ends up in a frustrating vil loss. The current behaviour is completely undesirable.

they dont really consider this as a bug from what i heard

yes and it shouldnt be considered as a bug.

@GMEvangelos Not sure if this needs to be a new thread or not but,
As of the Last update-61321 this was supposed to be fixed:

Villagers who were tasked to gather before being attacked by a boar will no longer attempt to fight back instead of moving to their target location. This prevents inconsistent behavior when luring boar and sending the lurer back to gather instead of issuing a direct move command.

First thing that I tested after downloading the update and it still happens…

After luring a boar and tasking the villager to chop a tree, the villager will still stop moving and shoot the boar if the boar catches up and attacks the villager.

I can provide recorded game example etc if needed.

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Evangelos is not employed anymore afaik.

@Harooooo1 Oof Thanks :man_facepalming:


Why are you all talking about misclicking… I often task the boar lurer to butcher sheep and have ~6 other villagers finish off the boar when it closes in on the TC. I have encountered this issue many times lately (definitely not fixed), but had no idea that it was related to villager roles.

I think fighting back against wolves before finishing other tasks is good default behavior, but that a villager tasked with something after being harmed by a wolf should switch from fight to flight, or even to ignore. (I love a good wolf train attack…)

A villager with loom can defeat a single wolf, but not a boar. In that respect, a boar attack is more similar to being attacked by enemy military units, which the villagers will automatically respond to with flight, not fight.