Villagers dont calculate which is the next closest resource of same type to collect after dropping off, if that resource finished, so they walk around lumber-camps to much further trees

so half the time they do long walks around lumber/mining camps for no reason, when their one tree / one mine finished, and dont go to the closest one after dropping off, instead go around the whole camp (50% times). (unlike game had been always).

this happens 100% of the games around 50% of the movements of vils so its suuuuper common.

  1. Starting position

  2. After tree is finished, walks around and far:

this is wrong, classically villagers could calculate that inmidiately after drop off there was a tree right beside

note that because of randomness and tile positions this happens only 50% of the times a resource ends, so just leave the game playing on fast and u will spot it like 10 times out of 20 possible in like 10 minutes.

i have a video about it: