
Discuss Vinlandsaga

I made this. If anyone has any questions or suggestions do feel free to post them.

Some tips.

  • Leif and Tyrker are campaign style heroes and cannot die. Use them to tank enemies.
  • You won’t be able to build structures at the start so don’t delete anything other than fences.
  • You can exhaust Greenland’s resources if you like. But that’s boring.
  • There are things to discover everywhere on the map. Mostly relics.

French version: Vinlandsaga (FR)

Hello! That’s a very neat campaign you made there. Do you have plan on adding more chapters ?

Also, I have played inside the editor trying to make a french localization the way the game does. whould you be intrested ? (Hate to admit it but I spent like 10 hours doing it since I didn’t know a thing about this editor and the way the game handle localization.)

I was thinking of making an epilogue cinematic but that’s it.

The way the game handles localization is not compatible with how I made the scenario. You have to make a new copy of the scenario and manually replace all the dialogue and name edits in the triggers. Because I didn’t use a language file for the scenario itself, only for the campaign menu names and descriptions.

That is Strange I actually used that language file in the end.

Only thing I had to do was to have your scenario both in the scenario folder and in the local mod folder while setting up String ID for every text.
Somehow, When I had it only in the scenario folder it would flag every ID as invalid but not when they would be in the mod folder aswell. Luckily it was only temporary, once every ID was setup I could remove one of them

I actually couldn’t just write text directly inside the editor because of accentuated letter we have in French. Scenario wouldn’t work if any accentuated letters where actually used. But that’s actually even better in the end since now it has both french and english.

By using your stringmods.txt file I could use them

P.S : seem’s like I can’t share google drive link so images it will be.

Language = "English"
IsRtl = "False"

ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_CAMPAIGN"   ;   Str = "Vinlandsaga"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_CAMPAIGN_TOOLTIP"   ;   Str = "Take Leif Eriksson across the ocean to the New World"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OVERLAY_01"   ;   STR = "Greenland, 1025 years ago."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_01"   ;   STR = "Are you Bjarni, the one who saw lands to the west?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_02"   ;   STR = "I sure am. You're Leif, right? Erik's son."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_03"   ;   STR = "Aye, that's me. Now, tell me, how much do you want for your ship?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_04"   ;   STR = "My ship?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_05"   ;   STR = "Indeed. I wish to find these new lands, and since your ship was able to make the journey, it must truly be blessed."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_06"   ;   STR = "Hmmm.... 500 gold should be enough. If you can manage it."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_07"   ;   STR = "Very well, I will be back with the money as soon as I can."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_08"   ;   STR = "So? What did he say?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_09"   ;   STR = "He said he'd sell the ship for 500 gold. Gather the men, we have work to do."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_10"   ;   STR = "We should be able to find untapped gold mines along the cliffs."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_11"   ;   STR = "We have enough gold to pay Bjarni now. We can pay him by sending the gold as Tribute."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_12"   ;   STR = "Ah, you have the gold, I see. Congratulations, the ship is all yours."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_13"   ;   STR = "We should return to Erik, tell him we've got the ship."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_14"   ;   STR = "Indeed. Let's not waste any more time."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_15"   ;   STR = "Alright, out with it. What are you planning, Leif? I've seen you work the men into a frenzy all over the fjords."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_16"   ;   STR = "I plan on traveling west, to the lands Bjarni saw, so that I may explore them. And I wish for you to lead the expedition."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_17"   ;   STR = "I fear I am fated to discover no more lands in my lifetime. I am old, my boy. While you are young. Let Njord guide you across the whale-roads to these lands unknown. For I will not be able to."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_18"   ;   STR = "It saddens me to hear you think that, Father. May the Christ-child watch over you while we are away."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_19"   ;   STR = "Do not worry about me, boy. Just keep yourself safe out there."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_20"   ;   STR = "Will do, father."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_21"   ;   STR = "We need to recruit sailors for the voyage. Gather as many resource as we can, and hire any who would follow us."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_22"   ;   STR = "We will need 30 soldiers and 12 gatherers for the voyage ahead. Do not neglect to bring ox cart"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_23"   ;   STR = "We can only take so many soldiers with us, choose who we recruit carefully."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_24"   ;   STR = "We've run out of space for new sailors, it's now or never."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_25"   ;   STR = "We've done it! We have a foothold in these newlands. Let's prepare for winter. In spring we go back to Greeland."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_01"   ;   STR = "What in God's name are those!?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_02"   ;   STR = "Wolves! Keep our gatherers away from them!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_03"   ;   STR = "Restless spirits! We should return them to God."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_04"   ;   STR = "These northern lands are barren wastes. We can't possibly build a colony here."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_05"   ;   STR = "Land ahead! And it's rich in wood too!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_06"   ;   STR = "New lands! Green and bountiful!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_07"   ;   STR = "Abandoned buildings. I wonder what happened to the locals."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_08"   ;   STR = "We abandoned several villages as the strangers drove us west. Feel free to claim them."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_09"   ;   STR = "We should claim these buildings for ourselves."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_10"   ;   STR = "Who are these strange people? Be careful, men."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_11"   ;   STR = "These must be the enemies of the Skraelings. To arms, men!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_12"   ;   STR = "Amaroks!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_13"   ;   STR = "Tujurmiaq, help us!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_14"   ;   STR = "Thank you, tujurmiaq. Maybe you can help us further. Our enemies to the east have taken over our lands. if you swear to fight them, we will join you."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_15"   ;   STR = "They sound like a problem. Very well, we will help you."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_16"   ;   STR = "Thank Ataksak. Feel free to use our buildings, we will follow you in battle."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_17"   ;   STR = "We should claim these buildings for ourselves now that the natives are dead."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_01"   ;   STR = "Buy Bjarni's ship"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_01"   ;   STR = "Tribute 500 gold to Bjarni and buy his ship."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_01"   ;   STR = "You have enough food to replace your starting gatherers should anything happen to them, but be careful not to lose those as well."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_02"   ;   STR = "Return to Erik the Red"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_02"   ;   STR = "Return to Erik the Red and inform him of you plan to explore the New World. "
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_02"   ;   STR = "There are unclaimed Relics in Greenland, explore to find them. If you need extra heroes, Leif can train Priests at the Temple. His priests can heal units, but do not generate favor passively."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_03"   ;   STR = "Recruit sailors for the journey ahead."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_03"   ;   STR = "You will need 30 soldiers and 12 gatherers for the journey ahead."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_03"   ;   STR = "Make sure you research any desired technologies before training all your troops. Once you finish training all the units you need, you will lose the ability to train new soldiers."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_04"   ;   STR = "Find new land to the west and establish a Town Center."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_04"   ;   STR = "Once you build a Town Center in the new world you will be able to build additional buildings."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_04"   ;   STR = "Explore the new world thoroughly for additional relics and benefits."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_05"   ;   STR = "Establish a colony in the new world"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_05"   ;   STR = "Build second town center in the New World to establish a foothold there for the norse people."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_05"   ;   STR = "Once you establish your second town center, you win the game."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_01"   ;   STR = "Leif Erikson"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_01"   ;   STR = "Son of Erik the Red."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_02"   ;   STR = "Tyrker"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_02"   ;   STR = "One of Erik's thralls, and the man who raised you since childhood."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_02"   ;   STR = "The man who raised you."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_03"   ;   STR = "Bjarni Herjolfsson"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_03"   ;   STR = "Bjarni Herjolfsson is an icelandic explorer who spotted the New World 15 years ago"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_03"   ;   STR = "Icelandic explorer."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_04"   ;   STR = "Erik the Red"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_04"   ;   STR = "Your father, first European to explore Greenland, and founder of Brattahlid"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_04"   ;   STR = "First european to explore Greenland."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_05"   ;   STR = "Church"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_05"   ;   STR = "Trains priests and provides improvements for them."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_06"   ;   STR = "Brattahlid Church"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_07"   ;   STR = "Bjarni's Longboat"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_08"   ;   STR = "Amarok"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_09"   ;   STR = "Hakugiktuq"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_09"   ;   STR = "Tuniit infantry. Good against whatever it can reach."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_09"   ;   STR = "Tuniit infantry. Versatile warrior.."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_10"   ;   STR = "Heavy Hakugiktuq"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_11"   ;   STR = "Saumen Kar"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_11"   ;   STR = "Tuniit giant. Good against buildings; decent against human soldiers."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_12"   ;   STR = "Tigiaqpak"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_12"   ;   STR = "Dubbed the King of all Polar Bears by the locals, this giant bear is danger to all."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_12"   ;   STR = "Giant polar bear."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_13"   ;   STR = "Kimmik"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_13"   ;   STR = "Tuniit dog.  Good against archers and seals."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_13"   ;   STR = "Tuniit dog.  Good against archers."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_14"   ;   STR = "Champion Hakugiktuq"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_01"   ;   STR = "Squires"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_01"   ;   STR = "Improves the speed of your Longhouse units and lets them sprint short distances after standing idle."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_02"   ;   STR = "You regain some gold when your warriors fall in battle."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_03"   ;   STR = "Spirit of Devotion"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_03"   ;   STR = "Your priests become cheaper and more effective healers."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_04"   ;   STR = "Sanctity"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_04"   ;   STR = "Increases the hitpoints of your human soldiers and heroes. This upgrade's favor cost decreases with each technology researched."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_05"   ;   STR = "Sivullirmiut"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_05"   ;   STR = "Increases the speed of Saumen Kar and causes them to regenerate health."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_06"   ;   STR = "Call of Agloolik"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_06"   ;   STR = "Improves Hakugiktuq hit points and grants you favor when they fall in battle."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_07"   ;   STR = "Nangiitchuk"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_07"   ;   STR = "Hakugiktuq move and fight faster as they lose hitpoints."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_08"   ;   STR = "Siege Masters"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_08"   ;   STR = "Enables Portable Rams an age earlier and improves the work speed of all Hill Forts."

I believe if you ever want to make that story longer with more chapter you could always say that something happenned to Greenland while Leif was away and then start a revenge act from there

Yeah, I noticed the same thing when writing with some norse characters. I can understand why you’d want to use strings now.

Also, this is amazing, I can’t believe you’ve done this (putting all the text in Strings). Though a French string slipped in there I see. :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to keep the Greenland stuff at least somewhat accurate to the sagas. So if I do another chapter, it will be about Thorvald and Thorstein probably.

Nice eye that one slipped past me (well it was 5 am when I finished), I’ve edited it

Here is the french one if you ever want to add it to your mod. Or maybe you want me to send you the whole mod ? I mean, the only dfference is the String thing really

Language = "French"
IsRtl = "False"

ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_CAMPAIGN"   ;   Str = "Vinlandsaga"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_CAMPAIGN_TOOLTIP"   ;   Str = "Partez à la conquête de terres inconnues avec Leif Erikson."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OVERLAY_01"   ;   STR = "Groenland, il y a 1025 Ans."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_01"   ;   STR = "C'est toi Bjarni, tu dis avoir aperçu des terres à l'ouest ?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_02"   ;   STR = "C'est bien moi ! Tu es Leif, n'est-ce pas ? Le fils d'Erik."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_03"   ;   STR = "Tout à fait. Dis moi, pour combien vendrais tu ton navire ?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_04"   ;   STR = "Mon Knarr ?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_05"   ;   STR = "En effet. Je voudrais partir explorer ces nouvelles terres, et, puisque ton Knarr à pu faire le voyage, il doit être béni."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_06"   ;   STR = "Hmmm... 500 Deniers et il est à toi. Si tu arrives à amasser une telle somme."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_07"   ;   STR = "Très bien, Je reviendrai avec l'argent aussi vite que possible."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_08"   ;   STR = "Alors, Qu'a-t-il dit ?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_09"   ;   STR = "Il nous vendra son navire pour 500 Deniers. Rassemblons les hommes, nous avons du travail."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_10"   ;   STR = "Nous devrions pouvoir trouver des mines d'or inexploitées le long de ces falaises."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_11"   ;   STR = "Nous avons de quoi payé Bjarni, envoyons lui un tribut en échange du navire."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_12"   ;   STR = "Ah, tu as mon argent, je vois. Félicitations, le Knarr est à toi!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_13"   ;   STR = "Nous devrions informer Erik de nos plans."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_14"   ;   STR = "Tu as raisons, Allons-y"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_15"   ;   STR = "Leif, Que manigances tu ? J'ai vus tes hommes fourmiller un peu partout dans les Fjords!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_16"   ;   STR = "Je vais partir pour l'ouest, vers les terres dont parle Bjarni, pour les explorer. Voudrais tu diriger cette expédition ?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_17"   ;   STR = "Je crains de n'être trop vieux pour de telles aventures, mon garçon. Tu es jeune, laisses Njord t guider sur le chemin des baleines. Je n'en suis plus capable."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_18"   ;   STR = "Il me peine de l'entendre, Père. Puisse Jésus veiller sur toi en mon absence."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_19"   ;   STR = "Ne t'en fais pas pour moi. Fais attention à toi dans ton voyage."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_20"   ;   STR = "Oui, Père."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_21"   ;   STR = "Il nous faut plus d'hommes pour ce voyage. Rassemblons le plus possible de recrue acceptant de nous rejoindre."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_22"   ;   STR = "30 guerriers et 12 glaneurs devraient faire l'affaire. N'oublions pas d'emporter des chars à bœufs, également."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_23"   ;   STR = "Les places à bord sont limitées, choisissons soigneusement qui engager."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_24"   ;   STR = "Il n'y a plus de places. Il est temps de partir."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_CHAT_25"   ;   STR = "Nous l'avons fait! Nous avons établit une colonie sur cette nouvelle terre. Préparons nous pour l'Hiver. Au printemps, nous retournerons au Groenland."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_01"   ;   STR = "Nom de Dieu, que sont ces choses!?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_02"   ;   STR = "Des loups ! Protégez les glaneurs !"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_03"   ;   STR = "Des esprits errants, Envoyons les auprès de Dieu."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_04"   ;   STR = "Cette terre est trop aride. Il n'est pas envisageable d'y établir une colonie."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_05"   ;   STR = "Terres en vue ! Des forêts à pertes de vue !"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_06"   ;   STR = "Une nouvelle terre, verte et luxuriante !"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_07"   ;   STR = "Tout est abandonnés, qu'est il advenu des indigènes ?"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_08"   ;   STR = "Nous avons abandonnés plusieurs villages tandis que des envahisseurs nous repoussaient vers l'ouest. Vous pouvez vous y établir."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_09"   ;   STR = "Nous devrions occuper ces bâtiments"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_10"   ;   STR = "Qui sont ces étrangers? restons prudents."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_11"   ;   STR = "Ce sont sans doutes les ennemis des Skraelings. Préparez vos armes!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_12"   ;   STR = "Amaroks!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_13"   ;   STR = "Tujurmiaq, aidez nous!"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_14"   ;   STR = "Merci, Tujurmiaq. Peut-être pourriez vous nous aider davantage. Des envahisseurs à l'est se sont emparés de nos terres. Aidez nous à les combattre et nous vous rejoindrons."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_15"   ;   STR = "Ils semblent problématiques, en effet. Nous vous aiderons."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_16"   ;   STR = "Merci Ataksak. servez vous donc de nos demeures, nous vous suivrons au combat."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_DYN_17"   ;   STR = "Nous devrions utilisez ces bâtiments, les natifs n'en auront plus besoins maintenant qu'ils sont morts."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_01"   ;   STR = "Acheter le Knarr de Bjarni."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_01"   ;   STR = "Envoyer 500 or à Bjarni, par tribut, pour acheter le Knarr."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_01"   ;   STR = "Il y a suffisamment de nourritures pour remplacer les glaneurs si ces derniers venaient à mourir, restez quand même prudent."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_02"   ;   STR = "Aller voir Erik."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_02"   ;   STR = "Informer Erik de vos projets d'exploration de l'ouest."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_02"   ;   STR = "Il y a plusieurs reliques éparpillées dans le Groenland. Si vous avez besoin d'héros supplémentaires, vous pouvez entrainez des prêtres depuis le temple."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_03"   ;   STR = "Recruter des membres d'équipages."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_03"   ;   STR = "Vous aurez besoin de 30 soldats et de 12 glaneurs."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_03"   ;   STR = "Recherchez les technologies disponibles avant d'avoir entrainer tous les soldats requis. Vous n'aurez plus accès aux technologies et recrutement après."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_04"   ;   STR = "Naviguer vers l'Ouest."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_04"   ;   STR = "Une fois un Forum construit sur le Nouveau-Monde vous pourrez construire plus de bâtiments."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_04"   ;   STR = "Prenez du temps pour bien explorer le Nouveau-Monde pour plus de reliques et bénéfices."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_NAME_05"   ;   STR = "Établir une colonie dans le Nouveau-Monde."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_TXT_05"   ;   STR = "Construisez un deuxième Forum afin d'établir une nouvelle colonie pour les nordiques."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_OBJ_HINT_05"   ;   STR = "Une fois le deuxième Forum construit, la partie sera remportée."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_01"   ;   STR = "Leif Erikson"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_01"   ;   STR = "Fils d'Erik le Rouge."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_02"   ;   STR = "Tyrker"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_02"   ;   STR = "L'un des serviteurs d'Erik et l'homme qui a élevé Leif depuis son enfance."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_02"   ;   STR = "L'homme qui a élevé Leif."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_03"   ;   STR = "Bjarni Herjolfsson"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_03"   ;   STR = "Bjarni Herjolfsson est un explorateur Islandais qui a repéré le Nouveau Monde il y a 15 ans."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_03"   ;   STR = "Explorateur Islandais."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_04"   ;   STR = "Erik le Rouge"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_04"   ;   STR = "Père de Leif, premier Européen à explorer le Groenland et fondateur de Brattahlid."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_04"   ;   STR = "Premier Européen à avoir exploré le Groenland."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_05"   ;   STR = "Église"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_05"   ;   STR = "Permet de recruter et améliorer les prêtres."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_06"   ;   STR = "Église de Brattahlid"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_07"   ;   STR = "Knarr de Bjarni"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_08"   ;   STR = "Amarok"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_09"   ;   STR = "Hakugiktuq"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_09"   ;   STR = "Infanterie Tuniit efficace contre tout ce qu'il peut atteindre."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_09"   ;   STR = "Infanterie Tuniit polyvalente."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_10"   ;   STR = "Hakugiktuq lourd"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_11"   ;   STR = "Saumen Kar"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_11"   ;   STR = "Géant Tuniit. Bon contre les bâtiments ; décent contre les soldats humains."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_12"   ;   STR = "Tigiaqpak"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_12"   ;   STR = "Les locaux le nomment le Roi de tous les ours polaires, cet ours géant est une menace universelle."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_12"   ;   STR = "Ours polaire géant."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_13"   ;   STR = "Kimmik"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_ROLL_13"   ;   STR = "Chien Tuniit efficace contre les archers et les phoques."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_SMALLROLL_13"   ;   STR = "Chien Tuniit efficace contre les archers."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_RENAME_NAME_14"   ;   STR = "Hakugiktuq champion"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_01"   ;   STR = "Écuyers"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_01"   ;   STR = "Améliore la vitesse des unités des maisons longues et leur permet de sprinter sur de courtes distances après être restées inactives un certains temps."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_02"   ;   STR = "Vous récupérez de l'or quand vos guerriers tombent aux combats."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_03"   ;   STR = "Esprit dévoué"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_03"   ;   STR = "Vos prêtes coutent moins et soignent mieux."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_04"   ;   STR = "Sanctifié"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_04"   ;   STR = "Augmente les points de vie de vos soldats et héros humains. Le coût en faveur de cette technologie diminue pour chaque technologies recherchées."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_05"   ;   STR = "Sivullirmiut"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_05"   ;   STR = "Améliore la vitesse des Saumen Kar et régénère leurs points de santé."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_06"   ;   STR = "Appel d'Agloolik"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_06"   ;   STR = "Augmente les points de vie des Hakugiktuq et vous rend des faveurs lorsqu'ils meurent aux combats."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_07"   ;   STR = "Nangiitchuk"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_07"   ;   STR = "Les Hakugiktuq combattent et se déplacent plus rapidement plus ils perdent de vie."
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_NAME_08"   ;   STR = "Maîtres assiégeurs"
ID = "STR_LEIFSAGA_01_TECH_ROLL_08"   ;   STR = "Les béliers portables sont recrutables plus tôt et améliore la vitesse de production des unités dans les forts de la colline."

You could use them now

If you could send me your edited version of the scenario, I won’t need to manually change all the triggers and names to reference the strings. Would make it easy to just copy and paste.

I would like to do so but sadly I can’t here. I tried using a google drive link but it seem’s like my account is too young for that.

I sent you a private message with my Discord name.


I cant seem to get the mod to play in english.
My game is set to english and i dont see an option anywhere to change the language for the mod manually, so i assume that the game checks your game language and then apply the correct language.
Is there a way to fix this or should i be doing something to get the correct language?

Yeah, this is how it should work. I have no idea what’s wrong or how to fix it.

Best I can think of is trying to delete the French folder in the mod’s Data folder.

Go to your Mod Manager in the game, then click “Open Directory” in the bottom left. Then go to \mods\subscribed\297298_vinlandsaga\game\data\strings and delete the french folder.

Also, maybe report (with screenshots) this as a bug to the game developers before you delete the folder.

Same issue as mentioned. It always shows in French. And if I delete the French folder form mods directory then it just stops showing in custom campaign list altogether.

I have no idea what’s happening, it sounds like a bug with the game. Try moving the mod from your subscribed folder to your local folder instead.

EDIT: I remove the french localisation from the mod and uploaded the french version as a separate mod.

Yeap just checked and english one works as intended now. Thanks for the help.