🗳 VOTE NOW! Team Game Ranked Map Rotation - May 18

Nomad maps are the best!! less about build orders and more about early game chaos!!! NOMAD NOMAD NOMAD! XD


damn, Nomad is being taken out. RIP

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Finalmente claro africano! <3 Ya no lo quiten porfavor !

Hello AOE community, me and my friends like OASIS map in Team Random. Please make it standart map. We enjoy a lot in ranked games. At least give us a chance to vote it. Best regards :slight_smile:

Real nomad boys vote Subsaharan Deforested Area as respectable second option, can’t always weep

LoL… Such a map pool, and no one is happy. alt-f4 will be the default map option it seems… Or quitting this game.

The permanent Maps are there to give the by far most popular maps a stay.

Ofc nomad has its own community, but noone can argue that the Arabia and Arena Community are MUCH bigger then the nomad community.

Atm the map pool design is pretty good imo.

They always have Arabia and Arena as the standard. (also BF for Teamgame because Team game is played more casual by people with their Friends, and BF is a lower Elo favourite for Games with Friends)
Then they always try to get in one Water map and one Open map for people who like Water and open Maps.
And then recently they seem to always also get one Nomadic start map in there for all people who like nomad style maps.

Then the rest of the Map pool seems to be left to get in some variation, to fit in either new maps, crazy maps, or just very popular maps like Hideout and four Lakes.

Overall a good way to handle the map pool imo.

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I’m not even in any kind of nomad community, just think the map is an interesting and worthy one on its own to be a permanent inclusion, just due to the different gameplay experience it conveys. As much as Arabia, Arena and Black Forest offer their own type of gameplay experience, Nomad has its own uniqueness to it. I just generally like to play a variety of different maps, so I am happy that a map rotation exists. All I’m saying is please add one more map to the permanent selection.

African Clearing is a nice map, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of people clearly do desire to be able to play Nomad more consistently in ranked.

Tbh I think if one map would deserve to be perma included it would be Team islands, because Water maps play completlly different to land Maps, and many Water maps in rotation arent real Water maps but hybrid instead.

Maps like mediterranean or migration have some water combat, but still requires a bit land focus, which makes them played very different to Team Islands. Over all there are no maps which give a similar experience to the Island maps except maybe Archipel.

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No one plays it. Arabia + Arena + BF have double digits play rate. An argument could be made for Nomad to be fixed, as it has double digits too whilst MegaRandom has under 1% play rate.

Islands / Team Islands have some of the lowest play rates when they are on rotation too. Very high on the ban list.

Worst map pool yet. And still there in no standard Nomad map that has been a staple of the game since the beginning.