The Nubians would get the Egyptian building set, surely. They heavily influenced each other’s architecture and religions.
Sorry, I didn’t understood the question?
I am not sure, but if I am not mistaken I read it somewhere most likely in this forum that Nubians are already considered being part of Egyptian tech tree.
They are, and they are likely the reason why Egypt has Composite Bowman, since Ta Seti (Land of the Bow) was Nubia, and they were the best Foot Archers in service of any Pharaoh.
That’s because most of Nubia was part of Egypt
Not really, they were adversaries for the longest time, and it was Rome who ultimately broke Nubia’s reign as a local power, when they simply sieged out the entire country, and threatened to cut off the Nile, forcing the Queen of Nubia into a peace agreement that was very unfavourable in th long run.
That being said, Egypt did conquer Nubia many times, and was conquered by Nubia for a whole dynasty, so it would be hard to split them apart, specially when the Egyptians civ already has all the Archery Range options, except for Heavy Horse Archer, specifically so they get Nubians in their Tech Tree.