We need Optional Auto Queue Feature

  • Why do we have hotkeys? Let everyone just use his mouse to make buildings so i can gain an advantage with my super fast mouse precision skills.
  • Why do we even show how many villagers we have and on which resources they are allocated to? Lets make remembering how many vills you have a required skill.
  • Why do we allow control groups? Lets make it that you can only select 1 building at a time so that the fastest player has an edge over the casuals. more clicks = better!

I hope you get what i mean with this. Adjusting unnecessary and useless tasks is how you evolve games within this genre. Creating villagers is by no means a strategic choice, it’s rather an annoying repetetive task and a no brainer. In 99% of time you don’t even ask yourself if its a good idea to create a vill or not, you just queue up a vill and done. So instead of wasting our time we could actually do something that is the most important task in a realtime STRATEGY game → make strategic choices.
Auto queue won’t magically let you win vs viper or any other player that has an edge over you, but it will move your attention to things that should be more important.