We need Optional Auto Queue Feature

There is a reason MOBA is a different genre than RTS. With the same argument I could say why do we have to build our buildings? Why can’t there be a barracks, stables and archery range produced already with autoqeue buttons so we can solely focus on fights? You could put all actions under ‘tedious repetitive gameplay’ but that’s just what the game is.

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Well because location, number of buildings and if you even want these buildings are all strategically important. Clicking on the villager button every 20s is not.

I also argue that we should remove multiselect and attack/move. It dumbs down the game and players with better micro should have an advantage. People who are not good will be matched with the same skill so it’s better to remove it. Don’t you people hear how silly you sound? I mean at least learn from the sillyness of people in the past.


I’m giving my opinion on how I’m used to play RTS games (I don’t know why you brought moba’s in the discussion). Doing tedious things tighter than my opponent is part of it. By all means, go ahead and show me some sillyness of people in the past to make your comment make sense.

But why when you could instead do the interesting things “tighter than the opponent”?
Because that’s exactly what would happen: Your APM normally invested into queuing would be used for something else.

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I want it for TCs. It’s a no-brainer, you always want your TCs producing vils until you have your eco maxed out. Yes, it’s a skill to manage and impacts the game - but it’s the equivalent of making you juggle IRL on a webcam every time you want to build a building. Yes, better jugglers have an advantage… but why do I have to worry about juggling in the first place? I don’t like having to keep track of it, or being penalized for forgetting about it, because it feels stupid. I always want the building doing the same thing. Everyone always wants the building doing the same thing.

It’s not even as big an APM requirement as it is in AoEII - vils train slower than AoEIV, and cost less, and you have fewer TCs to manage as well. In other words, it won’t fundamentally change the game, but it will get rid of what is nothing more than a minor, persistent annoyance.

It’s no different from auto-seeding farms in AoEII DE. No pro gives a ■■■■ about it being added, even if they may have had apprehensions at first. As others have said, the stress from managing TCs is not relevant at higher levels, but does impact low ELO gameplay… so effectively, it’s a bar to newer players, and has little to no effect on better players. A few people in mid-ELO range get a competitive advantage from it.

The best argument against it is that it could start a slippery slope of casualization… and the recent balance changes don’t give me confidence in the design vision of Relic for this game. So perhaps it needs to stay out for that reason. But if I can have it on its own I want it. Nobody will notice or care even a month after it’s implemented.

EDIT: But whatever you do, don’t split the matchmaking system into two groups of players using different mechanics. It’s better to have no autoqueue than to have the playerbase permanently divided over it. Give it to everyone, or give it to no one.


Maybe for the TC villagers. For military it makes no sense, as you should/need to change your composition in response to the game state.

Probably also only make it available for custom games. Leave ranked the way it is.

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  • Why do we have hotkeys? Let everyone just use his mouse to make buildings so i can gain an advantage with my super fast mouse precision skills.
  • Why do we even show how many villagers we have and on which resources they are allocated to? Lets make remembering how many vills you have a required skill.
  • Why do we allow control groups? Lets make it that you can only select 1 building at a time so that the fastest player has an edge over the casuals. more clicks = better!

I hope you get what i mean with this. Adjusting unnecessary and useless tasks is how you evolve games within this genre. Creating villagers is by no means a strategic choice, it’s rather an annoying repetetive task and a no brainer. In 99% of time you don’t even ask yourself if its a good idea to create a vill or not, you just queue up a vill and done. So instead of wasting our time we could actually do something that is the most important task in a realtime STRATEGY game → make strategic choices.
Auto queue won’t magically let you win vs viper or any other player that has an edge over you, but it will move your attention to things that should be more important.


Why? You would still be able to do that.

I have created a post to propose an idea on the subject, at the following link.

Solution to Automatic Queue Function, both parties will like it.


I have created a post to propose an idea on the subject, at the following link.

Solution to Automatic Queue Function, both parties will like it.


I have created a post to propose an idea on the subject, at the following link.

Solution to Automatic Queue Function, both parties will like it.