We need Optional Auto Queue Feature

Ah sorry, thought ArrivedLeader22 was talking about aoe4 instead of aom

And no I never said I want >300 APM. In fact I like that AOE4 is slower than SC2. I’m just saying that being able to handle stress better than your opponent is a big aspect of the game for me.

Btw for the record: I’m all in for implementing whatever people desire for custom games, especially when mod support will be added. I assume ranked will stay as clean and competitive as possible.

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I agree with you, it would be very useful with villagers, that way I focus more on the strategy

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At least it should be in the city center. When you have two, you must roll 8 units, that is, make 8 clicks.

I agree with you, it would like more focus on the strategy that multitasking and spamming hotkeys


You can try to teach yourself to use H → Q instead of clicking. Will save lots of time and needless camera movement.

Yes, I know, but the more urban centers, the more clicks I have to do, x3 for each construction

At least it should be in the city center.he more urban centers, the more clicks I have to do, x3 for each construction

Yes. But your opponent has the same problem. If you train yourself to make it an automatic thing it gives you an advantage. I don’t know, for me it’s just such part of the game and I kind of like the whole process. I guess if you really don’t like this part I can understand why you’d want an auto qeue.

I can only imagine such a feature being introduced for TCs, as they mostly have nothing else to do except pumping out villagers the moment the match starts.

if I can get used to it. My concern is for the community, I don’t want it to decline, only 300 people have a level higher than 1500. Without community the game will die.

You mean the ELO? That’s just how an ELO system works tho right?
And yea community is needed for sure. If adding stuff like auto qeue to custom games helps then by all means I’d say go for it.


Well, yes. But that should tell you something about the overall design of the TC and vil creation… it’s not an argument against deleting such a repetitive, senseless task as refreshing a single slot queue in multiple buildings.

If you auto queue some units and leave it then you leave yourself more open to be countered so its still something you need to think about and review if it should continue.

Good strategy games are about interesting desicions, deciding if my TC should build villagers is most of the time not an interesting desicion its nearly always ‘yes’


The game lacks the global queue which makes this even worse. I don’t mind if they add auto queue but the state right now is atrocious and has nothing to do with competitive lazyness. Always having to check the tc to see if you still have vills in queue? Unnecessary APM wasted. Having to check every building to see how long until an upgrade is researched? No global queue => auto queue required

Exactly. And there is still the decision to make if you can and should auto-produce from multiple TCs (and from which ones) once you reach that point in the game.
That’s strategy. Hacking through multiple hotkeys to single queue stuff is not.

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Managing unit production is much easier than microing archers/skirmishers to win battles where you’re outnumbered like the AOE2 pros do. I don’t think these 2 things are comparable.

Global queue would be handy.

Absolutely. Exactly my thought.

I also think that manual building and clicking every time adds nothing to the game. People who argue that it adds to skill are the same kind of people who tried to deny multiselect 20+ years ago in RTS.

This is 2021, we need more QoL so players can focus on the things in the game that really matters. There is a reason why games like LoL, Dota have replaced traditional RTS.


Auto Queue is just dumbing the game down. The mental checklist and the speed to go through it is what creates the background to make decision making / strategic choices under pressure interesting.

If you cant keep up with your mental checklist, its fine, you will end up being matched against other players that cant either. Not a problem. You will have fun anyway, because the other player will have similar issues keeping up with villager / unit production.

Removing it means one layer of hte challenge is gone and it just becomes easier to play. New minor micro aspects will rise in its place, like microing every single unit… And someone will say that microing each unit is too APM intensive and should be removed - you will find hundreds of post like this complaining about unit micro.

The pressure of keeping up with the mental checklist, managing the units in combat AND make the better strategic decision it is what differenciate top players and makes RTS games interesting, in my opinion. I would not change any of these aspects.

To me it adds a rock > paper > scissors vibe to playstyles, as some players focus a lot in macro, micro or decision making.