We need our own CaptureAge

For those who don’t know, CaptureAge is a small studio formed by veteran AoE2 modders who have been working alongside World’s Edge. They have developed the CaptureAge tool and the upcoming “Chronicles - Battle for Greece” DLC for AoE2DE. AoE2DE’s previous DLC “Victors and Vanquished” was also mostly developed by the community, who made the scenarios of VaV.

Given the poor state of AoE3DE support lately and the devs’ apparent lack of interest in the game, I figured we could benefit a lot from adopting a similar system to the one AoE2DE is currently using, where community made content can carry the game forward with new updates. CaptureAge doesn’t work with AoE3DE, only AoE2DE and AoE4, but I know that there are talented AoE3 modders out there who could take over the reins of this game’s future updates.

Working towards this model is probably a better alternative than keep bashing heads with World’s Edge and Microsoft. It’s a potential win-win for the devs and the community.


Capture Age is in Retold…could works too for AoE 3…


And that is exactly what people expected from this “QoL” Update


I’m in favor of this, hopefully these CaptureAge people will be able to add new campaigns and new civilizations over time, I’m willing to pay money as long as the content is worth it


I was referring to the studio CaptureAge, not the CaptureAge tool itself.

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And not 3+ years ago?

I’ll get back to modding come november once I’m back home I promise


I didn’T - mainly because I only started playing 2 years ago^^ but yeah it should have been a thing long ago but the combination of AoM getting better rec system and them promising us QoL made it very likely to happen(or so we thought)

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