Welcome to the Insiders Forums!


We are excited to have you here! Your dedication, passion, and insight with Age is incredibly valuable to us and helps us build upon the decades-strong franchise.

Because our Age Insiders, are so important to us, we will be focusing hard on expanding the Age Insiders program to recognize and reward you for your dedication and love for the games. Our build queue’s filled to the brim with exciting program perks, rewards, and more - all of which we’ll have updates for you on in the future!

In the meantime, we encourage you to get to know the program more! Ask questions, interact with other Insiders, and share general thoughts and feedback with us. However, it’s important to note that these forums are not beta forums and anything related to a beta should not be discussed here! You can access the private beta forums below if you’ve received an invite:

Still need to register as an Age of Empires Insider and get the inside scoop on all things Age? Click here to begin the sign-up process!

For any questions about the program, accessing beta forums, or upcoming invite waves, check out our Insiders Support thread and see common questions others have asked.

See you in the game, Insider!