Welp Someone broke italy again

You gotta love what some people are cooking sometimes

and checking the notes, the recent patch didnt cause this, this was there, the entire time, lurking


I confirm that this has been around for at least 11 months.



But some very specific people have appeared in TWITCH chats recently telling us ITALY is WEEEEAK!

This is the BEST balance we’ve ever had! Italy can’t be BROKEN just because they get faster shipments and FREE villagers and FREE buildings that EVERY OTHER CIV has to spend resources on!


Fun fact, the reason papal shipments arrive so fast is because Brazilian Importers forces all shipments to be sent within 10 seconds.
This effect does not seem to stack with previous shipments, so the papal arsenal shipment has no effect on the speed of arrival of shipments after the Brazilian card is sent.

Personal opinion.
I think this could become a feature of the revolution, so instead of removing this effect, I recommend weakening it for Basilica shipments instead. :slightly_smiling_face:


New? I’ve been losing with this strat for some time now XD

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I wish this strategy had become popular much sooner, because that would mean that the developers would have been able to patch it much sooner, but unfortunately it’s too late now, I doubt we’ll have a patch that fixes this problem anytime soon.

Since I don’t want to create another answer, I’ll put this here.

Message to all interested, I found my first post about this strategy, it’s from November of last year.


I wonder why this wasn’t patched in the previous patch? It’s been in the game for a long time and I’m sure it had to become popular quickly because of how effective it can be.


Too bad Italy sucks and this will lead to nerfing Italy again instead of fixing the Brazilian revolt card (the actual problem).


And more Aztec nerfs


What I’m going to say is cruel, but I feel compelled to say it.

Microsoft should have hired the best modders from WOL instead of the Napoleonic era ones, I think that would have been better in the long run and I like to think that they know the game better than the modders who never touched most civilizations.

I know it’s ugly to say this, but it’s my opinion seeing everything that’s happened so far, I wish it wasn’t like that, but unfortunately I don’t have faith in the current developers anymore. :pensive:

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Careful. Messages such as this, despite being opinion, are bannable offences I’m told.

Brazil won, not Italy. Any nation that would have revolutionized Brazil would have won because they had a stronger economy, not because their lancers (which are weaker than the Dutch) were spammed too fast.

Ok bro please explain to me how a unit with roughly the same HP when carded and higher base damage for less cost/pop is worse? even their damage output vs infantry is just 18% less per pop/cost
And all that ignoring the posibble charged attack they can get.
Even uncarded they have the same HP for lower price and perform better vs everything that’s not infantry.


Lower hp, 150% less damage to infantry. Only 100 res less cost. Cannot be spamed lfrom barracs. Cost 1 population less does not work if the unit cannot be produced faster than it is killed.

This is just an absoletely stupid and irrelevant point.

only 100 res cost means that 3 Elmetto have same cost as 4 lancers so for same pop Lancer have 2100 HP and 92 damage compared to 66 while infantry damage still lower.
And all the things above taken aside, you were talking about DUTCH Elmetto and not Italian ones and dutch certainly do not get close in stats to elmettos and they do not get a charged attack.

nah, this is far from broken.
the effective production rate for these are syill very limited. in case of the Lancer it is about <2 stables, i believe.
and the other military composition of Italy Brazilian are still capped at IV, beside Natives.

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I dont think WOL team was good on balance things, clearly some of the DE civs uses ideas from WOL, but for balance… I like the way the game is changing, little by little instead of big broken changes. WOL was crazy back them, Ive played it for some years before DE.


The WOL teams did a lot, it is an enormous mod that took years to make and that should be recognized.

But also is not a Vanilla experience, and never was meant to be, the sort of changes that WOL has could straight up never be accepted in a remaster. WOL has like 50ish faction? And a lot of those are arbitrarily separated like the “nation-states” category or the “Anglos”. It is a very impressive mod in terms of content, but it is also a very janky and very non vanilla experience.

NE was a reasonable starting point, the factions in the mod where closer to what you might have expected from an AOE3 faction, the time line follows the current one and the leader of the mod is actually a professional game developer. I don’t think that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been made mistakes but i don’t see how following the WOL model necessarily would have been better for the game.

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yes, you were saying?

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I also think these Lancers are just too overtuned with that charge attack, not sure beating Guard Soldados (that are stronger than other Musketeers) is a good balance sign, also look at that HP of these things… :scream:

But haven’t they taken ideas from WOL to create current civilizations like Mexico and the United States?