Today’s patch sees some new unused strings in cardinal.en.ucs
11266959 Villagers can drop off resources in Monasteries.\r\n\r\nGarrisoning a Prelate in this Monastery allows it to inspire all nearby Villagers, increasing their gather speed.
11266960 Cistercian Abbeys
11266961 Monasteries become self-sufficient, working their lands through Lay Brothers.\r\n\r\nVillagers can drop off resources in Monasteries.\r\n\r\nPrelates can be garrisoned in Monasteries to inspire all nearby Villagers, increasing their gather speed.
11268411 Elephants
11268667 Expensive cavalry with high armor and a powerful arquebus. Effective against melee units. Has the Caracole ability.\r\nOnly 5 Riders can be trained for each standing Keep built.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n- Countered by Crossbowmen
11268668 Black Rider
11268669 Heavy Ranged Gunpowder Cavalry
11268670 Black Riders adopt modern hit and run tactics to deal heavy damage to enemy formations.\r\nMove +%1%%% faster and can fire while moving for %2% seconds. Cannot fire at targets directly behind them.
11268671 Caracole
11268674 Black Rider available
11268675 Can train %3% Black Riders.
11268676 Buildings take %1%%% less damage.
11268677 Acts as a Keep with +%1%%% health. All buildings within influence take -%2%%% less damage.
11268794 At different intervals in the match you will have the option of selecting from 3 random buffs to your empire.\r\nEach buff will improve your Empire giving you great improvements and new strategies to earn victory.
11268795 Select a Tier 1 Buff
11268796 Select a Tier 2 Buff
11268797 Select a Tier 3 Buff
11268802 Downvoted FFA Maps (%1AMOUNT%/%2TOTAL%)
11268864 Akinji System
11268865 Akinji
11268866 Veteran Akinji
11268867 Elite Akinji
11268868 Upgrade Akinji to Veteran Akinji.
11268869 Upgrade Veteran Akinji to Elite Akinji.
11268870 Infantry gains +%1%%% charge damage.
11268871 Forlorn hope
11268872 Black Rider Population
11268873 Displays current number of Black Riders and maximum available number of Black Riders. Build additional Keeps to enable additional Black Riders.
11268876 Vanguard Scout
11269003 Select Upgrade
11269006 Black Rider limit reached