What do you hope for the next DLC?

I just hope no more cheesy stuff, like JD with a hero that pulls units out of its ass, or Zhu Xi with Shaolin Monks that can fight armored units with a stick, or Ayyubids that can fast castle ridiculously fast (Zhu Xi too). If stuff like this is not put in the DLC, then I don’t even care about what civs we get. Just no silly cheesy stuff please that turns the game into a joke.

How about you, what are your hopes for the next DLC?

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Just dont make variant with peoples name and make realistic variants pls.


More fauna variety. Imagine if they add a Meso American civ like Aztecs or Mayans and add typical south american animals.


My hopes are:
-1 new civ and 1 or 2 new variant civs

  • add more fauna variety
  • an improvement for naval warfare cause i really don’t like it atm
  • a rework of mongols as a full light cavalry, hit and run focused civ, especially making mangudai a core unit of their army
  • a rework of ootd, i relly don’t like that supersoldier based civ concept, with infantrymen as tall as knights and knights as tall as walls, it’s just a civ that makes no sense to me from the lore point of view. Fells like just a lazy designed civ, really anti-historical.
  • a slight nerf to the pro scout tech. It’s a unique mechanic of the game and i really like it, it’s just a bit too strong atm
  • a ranked FFA system, with rewards, ranks etc
  • an overall improvement of customization for portraits, monuments, banners etc with more colours, skins etc
  • a change for the boars, which almost no one take cause they’re too far from the tc. Would be cool if they were more accessible but providing less food and gathering rate

I’d love it if they added titles that you unlock. Like “The Great” or “The Wise”, that appear next to your name in the loading screen. And tie them to particularly cool and relevant achievements that warrant those titles.

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First and foremost, we need graphical effects that look like they belong in 2025. The current shooting animations for every siege engine look terrible—more like something from 2005… oh wait, actually, in 2005, we had Age of Empires 3, which graphically puts Age of Empires 4 to shame.

The overall graphics need improvement, including full 4K support. I get it—this is a strategy game, and graphics are secondary, even tertiary, in importance. But let’s not take it to the extreme. When I fire a mangonel, I want to see a proper animation because, honestly… I often don’t even build siege engines. When I see the effect of throwing two little pebbles, it makes me feel like they’re doing no damage at all. And if I have a cannon or bombard that cost me a lot, I want to see soldiers flying across the map and proper area damage!

More Variety in Gameplay!

And not just by adding new civilizations or variants—honestly, variants feel like filler content to me. I’d rather have fewer civilizations, but each one should be unique in its own way. Unfortunately, in AoE4, advancing to the third age doesn’t provide enough impact at the start… You can easily play Age II vs. Age III for at least a dozen minutes, as long as the Age II player stays aggressive and doesn’t give the opponent time to breathe. But in reality, advancing doesn’t give enough immediate bonuses to make it worth the risk of rushing Age III.

I’ve seen so many high-level matches (Diamond and above) where a player advances to Age III, only to lose because their Age II opponent overwhelmed them with military. The only civilization that gets an instant power spike from Age III is probably the English, thanks to their keep, which can be crucial for defense.

Another issue is repetitiveness—fast Age III, collecting relics (which, honestly, aren’t even that impactful), and only then do we see proper battles. I get the feeling that Age of Empires 3 was a much more dynamic game overall.

UI in the Menu—Please!

Filters for player ranks, civilizations, sorting options—these are minor features that should take 2-3 hours to implement and should have been in the BETA!

A Polish Civilization?

That would be awesome! :smiley:

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Before the announcement of the Crusaders, I had many theories for the possible DLC, but now that a civ has been proposed, instead of hope I have theories.

When they announced the name: Knights of the Cross and the Rose, I have the suspicion that Cross refers to the Crusaders, but the Rose is what worries me.

The only thing I can associate with Rose is:

  • The golden rose, a gift that the Pope gave to emperors, especially those who participated in crusades.
  • The War of the Roses, a possible campaign?
  • The House of Tudor, a possible variant?
  • The esoterica order of Rosicrucians (1600->), which is not even a military order.

I hope then that the reference is not the Rosicrucian order, although they say that its founder was born between 1200-1300, it is a mystical figure and it is even believed that it was invented by those same sects to justify their mysticism; and it wasn’t a military organization but an organization of people who believed in sorcery. Are they going to be a civ that summons demons or magical beings? That’s why I hope it’s not them.

On the other hand, if they are going to make the Tudors, my hopes would be that they get:

Tudor Ideas

Device forts

  • Device Forts, replacing Keeps, with cannon shots instead of arrows. I expected the landmark “Berkshire Palce”, be changed for a device fort landmark (maybe the Deal Castle).


  • DemiLancer, as special light cavalry with a charge attack with a Lance, in Castle Age (III).


  • Saker.- new cannon, I don’t know if it was to replace the Springald or the Culverin, but Henry VIII ordered hundreds of them to be made.


  • Basilisk.- new cannon, replaces culverin. Long range (11) and has an ability to shoot even further at 16 spaces, every 2 minutes.


  • Caliverman.- New early gunpowder unit with arquebus, +20% attack speed (due to its caliber being very well adjusted to fit the bullets, increasing reload).

Anglican Traits

  • Monasteries removed: Monasteries cannot be built, Town Centers and Castles are replaced with Anglican Priests, and a new set of religious technologies (Act of Uniformity, Royal Tithe).

Greenwich Armor

  • Greenwich armor: Technology for knights or men-at-arm, it’s a great armor.


  • Queen: Instead of King. Unlike its offensive counterpart, it gives economic bonuses, can conquer sacred sites and create spies in age IV. It would represent the wife of Henry VII, one of the 6 wives of Henry VIII, Mary Tudor or Elizabeth I. There were many queens with power in this dynasty.

![Elizabeth Hunting Scene_ BOOK - Tudor Knight – Christopher Gravett_ Graham Turner – Warrior 104_

  • London Trained Bands.- Having lost the Castle Network bonus, they must have another bonus to increase “attack speed”, not including mercenaries. I came up with this: Units can pay extra British Pounds at creation to gain a permanent 20% attack speed. It’s an extra creation option like the Mongols have in their military buildings.

Tudor Royal Guard:

  • Tudor Royal Guard: New unit set for Wynguard Palace.
    – The Wynguard Ranger remains, but will now be called Yeoman Ranger, with a new design.
    – Yeoman of the Guard as heavy infantry with halberd.
    – King’s Spears as the King’s special heavy cavalry. They all have more attack speed (+20%) than the normal unit (That’s what differentiates the yeoman ranger from the wynguard ranger).

Wool Industry:

  • Wool Industry: Changes farming bonus to sheep gathering bonus. Sheep can be produced at Mills over time, but “extremely slowly” (8 minutes). Sheep production improves by +50% for each “Sheep pasture” around a Mill (Max: +400%: 30sec). Sheep pasture is a Farm that is put in the option “sheep pasture” (new ability).

Tudor Colors (Castle Age)

  • At least for the Castle Age, Veteran units should have Tudor Green and White colors.

Red Coat:

  • Red Coat: At least for Imperial Age, elite units should wear Red suits or red outfits, because it is the standardized color for the English army at the end of the 16th century.

Great Debasement

  • Too justify how to pay mercenaries, a fifth resource, the pound sterling, is avaliable. Every villagers gets pound for every time they spend working for 1 minute. Relics generate Pounds instead of gold. Anglican priest cost pounds. You can pay every technology with pound instead of gold.

By the way, the name comes from the fact that, instead of gold coins, pounds were actually “devalued” silver coins, since they had been stripped of much of the silver they should have had. Yes, Henry VIII counterfeited coins and caused inflation, but until he was discovered, he hired quite a few mercenaries.


  • Some other ideas? I also wanted to Tudor to have Mercenaries, but, many of them didn´t even exist now, so i don´t know how the devs are gonna making them:


  • 4 Border Raider – II – (Scots) cheap raid light Cavalry
  • 2 Gallowglass + 3 Kern-- III – (Irish) - powerfull men-at-arm replacement and their squires
  • 4 Highlander Gunner – IV – (Scots) - gunpowder unit


  • 4 Flemish Pikeman – II – (Burgundian - Flemish) - Infantry Anti-cavalry with long melee range.
  • 3 Landsknecht – III – (Holy Roman Empire) - Splash unit
  • 4 Tercio Arquebusier – IV - (Spanish) - gunpowder unit


  • 4 Zenneta – (Morocco/ Al-Andalus) - antirange ranged cavalry.
  • 3 Jannysary – Ottoman.- anti-cavalry ranged early gunpowder unit
  • 3 Stradiot (Venetian) - antiheavy

Uhm… i better make a concept of this.

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Just want the spainsh & the berbers as new civs

A hero with MOBA abilities, but other civs with no heroes? Amazing that Microsoft don’t see an issue here.


Variant Civ for the English

A Wars of the Roses variant of the English would be amazing. It would be an interesting component to have a civ where you move between or continue through the ages with the White Rose of York and the Red Rose of Lancaster.

Representing both the progression of the Wars of the Roses and the switching of sides (which frequently happened). You choose if you stay with one or switch to the other. Where each house has their own respective unique units and techs.

Finally in the Imperial Age you combine the houses into the House of Tudor, uniting the strengths of both. Having ONLY the house of Tudor would be representing only the absolute final resolution of the war.

Other thoughts

I would very much like some touch-ups of old units. An example is that the Wynguard Men-at-Arms (An imperial age unit) has the same appearance as the castle age Men-at-Arms. Both for readability and the feeling of low effort.

This goes for the Jeanne of Arc’s unique units too. The variant civs really need to stand out more and be more visually interesting, so they have their own touch. I got no problem with having shared units, but the unique ones need to really be unique.

My 5 cents.

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A “clever boy” came here again :smiley:

Do You see issue with Godsworn?

The Joan of Arc is balanced to fit with its active abilities into AoE4, it is unique faction, there are no “MOBA abilities” as You… believe.

If we will receive new civ, I would like to have dedicated campaign with this new civ.

Simple like Dawn of Dukes for AoE2 adds Bohemians, there are Bohemian campaign. Simple.
This could be also for variant civ.

With a variant civ, aside of gameplay, I hope for meaningful choices - insted of Order of Dragon, there should be real historical entity, like Teutonic Order.

Few masteries / achievments for new variants civ as well


Make the dlc cheap pls.

I would rather have quality DLC than cheap…

Maybe You can save money somewhere

Cheap but high quality dlc i want

At least one new civilization, but hopefully two. More biomes. More fauna. UI overhaul with focus on immersion. Campaign that tries to awe me and uses new assets to depict the maps instead of just using existing ones. Effects like slight sandy/snowy winds or buildup on houses. Better lighting. Mongol unpacking fix. Limitanei Castle age skin fix. Editor worked on so it may be used by all and keep the game alive after devs leave.

It is curious, because we already know the first DLC’s name. Knights of Cross and Rose. It’s odd, because it can mean two things in my mind. One, “Cross” in the title could just refer to the Crusader variant civilization that they showed off. The odd thing is that “Rose” also seems to refer to the English participation in the Crusades, so it to some degree makes me feel like all we’re getting are variants.

The optimist in me is tempted to see Cross refering to the Iberian peninsula, which was invigorated during the Crusades as many wealthy and powerful men either settled or boosted the Christian efforts in those lands during their trips to the Holy Lands in the levant via ship. “Knights of Cross” could directly refer to the Order of Santiago, or simply the Reconquistas, Inquisitions and the Zealous nature of Spain/Portugal.

I would personally love two new civilizations per DLC as that is what I have come to associate with them. Though, my expectation is that each DLC will probably feature two Variants and only one new civilization.

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Today’s patch sees some new unused strings in cardinal.en.ucs

11266959 Villagers can drop off resources in Monasteries.\r\n\r\nGarrisoning a Prelate in this Monastery allows it to inspire all nearby Villagers, increasing their gather speed.

11266960 Cistercian Abbeys

11266961 Monasteries become self-sufficient, working their lands through Lay Brothers.\r\n\r\nVillagers can drop off resources in Monasteries.\r\n\r\nPrelates can be garrisoned in Monasteries to inspire all nearby Villagers, increasing their gather speed.

11268411 Elephants

11268667 Expensive cavalry with high armor and a powerful arquebus. Effective against melee units. Has the Caracole ability.\r\nOnly 5 Riders can be trained for each standing Keep built.\r\n+ Heavy armor\r\n- Countered by Crossbowmen

11268668 Black Rider

11268669 Heavy Ranged Gunpowder Cavalry

11268670 Black Riders adopt modern hit and run tactics to deal heavy damage to enemy formations.\r\nMove +%1%%% faster and can fire while moving for %2% seconds. Cannot fire at targets directly behind them.

11268671 Caracole

11268674 Black Rider available

11268675 Can train %3% Black Riders.

11268676 Buildings take %1%%% less damage.

11268677 Acts as a Keep with +%1%%% health. All buildings within influence take -%2%%% less damage.

11268794 At different intervals in the match you will have the option of selecting from 3 random buffs to your empire.\r\nEach buff will improve your Empire giving you great improvements and new strategies to earn victory.

11268795 Select a Tier 1 Buff

11268796 Select a Tier 2 Buff

11268797 Select a Tier 3 Buff

11268802 Downvoted FFA Maps (%1AMOUNT%/%2TOTAL%)

11268864 Akinji System

11268865 Akinji

11268866 Veteran Akinji

11268867 Elite Akinji

11268868 Upgrade Akinji to Veteran Akinji.

11268869 Upgrade Veteran Akinji to Elite Akinji.

11268870 Infantry gains +%1%%% charge damage.

11268871 Forlorn hope

11268872 Black Rider Population

11268873 Displays current number of Black Riders and maximum available number of Black Riders. Build additional Keeps to enable additional Black Riders.

11268876 Vanguard Scout

11269003 Select Upgrade

11269006 Black Rider limit reached


But it does not work like this in real life…

Usually, You can choose between cheap and high quality.

some people say “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things”

PC games and DLC cost money, because it costs money to create - You need to have coordinated team of people with advanced IT skills working on it.

In real world if they want they can make a thing like that.

You can also work for free or less money, if You want.

The point is - You do not want cheap things - that is advice for life, aside of gaming.

The price is lower, but also the value is lower.