What do you think will be the next pair of civilizations after the Malians and Ottomans?

You know what? I don’t think they are going to add Byzantines anytime soon. Most likely after their second water-rework when they want to flesh out the water combat.

But before that, I actually think maybe;
Some indian civ (such as Chola) + Japan.
Some native american civ (such as Aztec) + Khmer
Abyssinia (Ethiopia) + MxAxJxAxPxAxHxIxT

I actually think they are going to play 1 Civ within expectation + 1 Civ that is completely unexpected.

And what is the logic behind this? From the civs you listed it sounds more like a personal wishlist than something with reasoning behind it

You guys seem to consistently ignore who the playerbase actually is, and who will therefore be buying DLCs

Running by the logic MS/Relic went when they announced Ottomans and Malians.

Everyone was expecting byzantines and was almost 100% sure of it.

It ended up NOT being byzantines.

People was also expecting the Norse/vikings/Kalmar/whateveruwannacallthem

BUt it ended up being neither being the vikings, or byzantines, however Ottomans were on the table.

What was not in people expectation at all was the Malians.

so 1 civ that is to be “expected”, and another Civ that is a wildcard and could be anything tbh.

If i were to make a personal Wishlist, it would be very different.

it would be:

Spanish and Portuguese
Moroccans and Spanish Umayyad (Moors)
Aztecs and Mayans
Khmer and MxAxJxAxPxAxHxIxT
Koreans and Japan
Byzantines and Kalmar/Vikings/Norse

Coming in pairs with a fully fleshed out Campaign covering their shared history.

Nobody predicted Mali and it’s fairly unknown amongst the wider public. Yet it seems like it’s one of the more fun and well recieved civs. Picking more exotic civs lets them get away from the boring cookie cutter design the game launched with.


I do also kind of still think that the Italians would maybe be divided into multiple civs like Genoese, Papal States, or Venetians because that’s a possibility. Similarly, the Spanish would also be divided as well into multiple civs like the Aragonese, Castilians, or Leonese.

I can see Papal States and Venetians being a thing but I doubt Genoese would be. They were often under French influence and France’s Arbalétrier are basically Genoese crossbowmen. They might also represent the Normans as Sicilians like they did in AoE2.

I think the logic behind the picking civs is fair representation of all cultures. There was no African civ, so they picked the Mali to represent them.

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There’s a lot of good pairings that could give a relatively expected civ along with something more unknown. Especially taking the game in directions that AoE2 has not explored would help it become more than AoE2 2.

  • Castilians/Spanish + Inca
    • Inca would be a good first American civ since they did eventually adopt European technologies like guns and cavalry
  • Norse + Algonquins (Skraelings)
    • A civ from Canada in the medieval era is completely uncharted territory
    • The adventures of the Norse sagas in the new world would be an awesome campaign
  • Maj*pahit + Tonga
    • A Polynesian civ is another unprecedented direction they could go in
  • Ethiopia + Nubia
    • The Nubians were able to halt Muslim expansion until the time of the Ottomans

There’s also the rest of the Americas that could be filled out once some of those civs are introduced. Maya, Aztecs, Muisca, Mississippians, and Puebloans would be great additions.

The old world also has a lot of other relatively unknown empires that could be explored in AoE4 and AoE2. Kanem-Bornu and Zimbabwe in Africa would be great. In Eurasia, Georgia and Khwarazmia or Timurids could be explored.

Pero ya hay vikingos, literalmente con la campaña descubrimos que muchos ingleses son descendientes de vikingos que tenían una colonia en Francia.

De hecho, muchos vikingos terminaron creando sus reinos cuando sus lideres se convirtieron al cristianismo, los países del norte de Europa: reino de Dinamarca, reino de Suecia, reino de Escandinavia. Creo que estos cuadran Podrían resumirlos en “Unión de Kalmar” (Un periodo de unión de los 3 países), o “Reinos nórdicos”, salvo que culturalmente también sean demasiado antagónicos para ello y cada uno sea una Civ separada, pero para ello cada reino al menos debería dar una unidad única, y si no tienen, pues Unión de Kalmar se queda.

But there are already Vikings in AoE4, literally with the normand campaign we discovered that many English are descendants of Vikings who had a colony in France.

In fact, many Vikings ended up creating their kingdoms when their leaders converted to Christianity, the countries of northern Europe: the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Scandinavia. I think these fit in. They could be summed up in “Kalmar Union” (A period of union of the 3 countries), or “Nordic kingdoms”, except that culturally they are also too antagonistic for it and each one is a separate Civ, but for that each kingdom at least it should give a unique unit, and if they don’t have, then Kalmar Union stays.

Note: I still dont know why many of my text become “Big”.

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i know denmark sweden and others i said in general i want to see berserker with big axe


Groups of civs:

  • Eastern Roman Empire + Italy + Kalmar/Norse.- necessary to make a propperly Turk or Eastern Roman campaign. Remember that the bizantines have nexes with nordic countries (they fought aggainst them and even recruit them in the unique unit: Varangian Guard) and always tried to recover italy.
  • Japan + Korea.- necessary to make a propperly Chinesse, Japanesse or Korean campaign.
  • 1.Inca + 2.Mexica/Aztec/Tripple Aliance+ 3.Spain/Hispania Kingdom/etc + 4.Omeya Califate/ Al-Ándalus/.- Necessary to make a Spanish Campaign. It can even come separete in two pairs.

Personally I would also like to see the Chimu as rivals of the Incas… but well, apart from their unique units (imperial mace, common mace, giant blowgun) I don’t think they managed to survive the 4th age of the other civilizations. Maybe as a civ. for the campaign it would be appreciable to see them, like the axemen units of the old Britannia in the Norman campaign.

Eastern Roman Empire would be referred to as the Byzantines because the name, Byzantines sounds better.

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I believe pretty much everyone here (other than the couple people equally biased towards Turkey) will agree that you are definitely EXTREMELY biased in this case.

I wouldn’t be surprised if future DLC had one expected civ and one less so like this one did.

Although depending how many civs we’ll even get total there may not be room for a lot that is unexpected.

Khmer and Kongo.

Why? Idk

I think it needs another civ to round it out. How about Khmer, Kongo, Kanem?

Adding in another African civ like the Kongolese or the Kanem-Bornu Empire would also be a good idea as well.

Just ignore them guys, they’re just trolling after this point. They copy-pasting same thing to every platform with same fake usernames. They are not saying anything makes sense but keep whining.

What is that even mean?

I’m also from Turkey, and i think ottomans are representing better than my expectation. In twitch streams everyone says that ottomans most fun to watch.

I am not trolling. I am player. I write what I feel. I dont have to feel and think like you. If you dont like any thing, you say this guy is bla bla, bla. You say unproven things, you only insult forum members. You write without thinking. Who do you think you are? I dont care you live in Turkey or not.You are talking empty.

I was just suggesting 3 kingdoms that started with K :sweat_smile:

For another African civ, I’d want to see Nubia.

I think it would be a good pairing with a country like Georgia. After two big Muslim empires I think it could be cool to go with some smaller Christian states outside of the European core. Both halted Muslim expansion for centuries and they could also work nicely for AoE2.

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Nubians are also a good idea of another African civ to add in as well. I agree with that. Perhaps, it may end up being the one that’s the second African civ in AoE4.