so basically you’re saying get good? we tested them the other day, with equal pop. if they get one volly of with being kited, your skirms will die.
Yeah skirms don’t work very well against giant grens because the grens hp is to high and they area effect and for some reason they also have a bonus against Calvary which makes no sense. People just use them to bust into your eco. They do the same thing with Ottoman grens.
mmm, i think i need to make a video, you have to make 25 skirm or idk what the max number to make staggered mode functions and make hit and run if possible, also real cannons or horse falconet must be there. You cannot make 50 troops be on staggered mode, have to split 20 and 20 and falconetes on the middle well protected.
Thats the only way to make enough dps to the enemy and receive less dps from the enemy. Try to make traps where they cannot reach the falconet unless they be very tight together so when the horse falconet shoot, the shoot makes more damage
Make horse cavalry and skirmishish, and hopefully the enemy wont have culverins, if they do, you have to play better than him with culverin.
Thats the only way you can do it, of course you have to comparate your spawn rate, cards, etc. If they have better cards etc, wont be possible.
Thanks to everyone who has given advice to help counter Giant Granidiers. I have done some testing with them and my findings are as follows. Age 3 GG are fine to deal with by using skirms as you usually would against other HI. The problems come in with Sweden in age V when there are many upgrades and cards that stack.
With these GG your skirms lose when the GG are able to shoot them. You cannot stand and fight them you have to kite them. This is not so for other HI where for example you can fight Musk and win while kiting is not needed but makes outcomes even more favourable.
The problem become worse with slower skirms (Dutch), skirms with less than 20 range or extra low HP (jungle bowmen).
This is fundamentally broken since HI should not beat LI. This is the reason people are mono comping GG. They beat their counters unless the opponent is better than they are and working twice as hard.
People keep saying cannons and skirms but you cannot kite with skirms when they need to protect the cannons. Also GG and cannons beat Skirms and Cannons so then you are back at square one.
Any comp with GG is better than a comp with skirms, luckily it’s usually bad players that mono comp and get higher up the ladder then they should be (using broken units) and then get out microed by better players.
The best thing to do is make layers of walls because they help you keep out of range of GG while being able to stay and fight. The devs need to look at some of the buffs that stack late game that causes this problem, their base stats do not need to be nerfed.
What about not giving them to Sweden?? They had enough with jaegers, black riders, fusiliers, swiss pikeman and landsknechts
The devs could use a light infantry multiplier, like Eagle Runner Knight. Or can give a series of nerfs, but personally, I don’t like all-rounder units getting too overnerfed to become useless. Every unit should have its own purpose.
also Irish Brigadiers.