What happens when you link Xbox Live Profile?

I’m playing from Steam. I’ve noticed that there’s an option to link my Xbox Live Profile from in-game. My question is what happens when you do so? I’m a bit OCD and wondering if all achievements will transfer over, or if Xbox will only start tracking new ones.

Achievements on both platforms are synchronized

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Cool, thanks. To confirm, will my previous achievements from Steam be copied over to Xbox Live too? Don’t want to end up with a mismatched achievements list.

Another question. Will the game continue to pull my profile name from Steam, or will it then switch to using my Xbox Live Gamertag?

Second,Use your steam name

A word of warning to anyone who’s wondering the same thing.

After linking, your previous AOE IV achievements do indeed sync back onto Xbox, which is great. But your AOE III: DE and AOE II: DE achievements do not.

You have to redo all AOE III and II achievements for them to show up on Xbox. Which I am currently grinding through now.