What is WRONG between Microsoft and this game?!?

It’s simple, AOE3 is not e-sports ready and never will be. No $$ in that. Honestly you should be grateful MS is still updating the game. Their dedication should reassure AOEIV players they are in it for the long haul want to make their latest game in the series the best it can be.


I hope you’re saying this after actually playing AoE3.

Most people who say AoE3 is not esport ready just go by hearsay.


I’m just glad that we have aoe 3 de with continued support and have gotten all these new civs


How many new players to the series went out to discover the older games? You can’t say “people don’t like AoE3 that much” when they haven’t played it. Although just the other day a well-known AoEIV pro player bashed AoE3 for no good reason even though he said he never played the game before.

I get it, AoE3 has a lot going against it but at the same time, a little promotion here and there might increase the popularity, no? Would it hurt to show off the Mexican civ in this stream? Was there any official explanation as to why AoE3DE was left out of Redbull? AOE1 is far less popular than AoE3.


Someone who rarely discuss about the game in this subforum jumping up and down teaching people here it’s okay for your little game to be ignored.
What a sight. Not a new one though.


Yeah “AOE4 will be very similar to AOE2. But different from AOE2 units will not throw torches”

Definitely it kills to mention where it comes from.

I get it. Because resource is limited.
They cannot afford tweeting AOE3 events in advance.
They cannot afford retweeting AOE3 streams.
They cannot afford mentioning games other than AOE2 when talking about AOE4.

It’s just too risky and expensive. They have to carefully allocate their resources.


Tell me about it. We get them all the time over in the Age IV subforums.

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I don’t know. AOE4 is a shining big game that is tremendous popular that are treated extremely well from the very beginning, so I wonder what these people are talking about.

Why is that any surprise? Of course they’re going to draw comparisons to their most popular game at events like that rather than one that way less people appreciate.

No I haven’t posted much in the AoE3 forums, more 2 and 4. I’ve played 3 a bit again recently. If there was more time in a day it could have more time in rotation, but there are too many good games and not enough hours.

So, they are ignoring AOE3. You’re not denying that.

“They are not ignoring AOE3” and “they are ignoring but a good choice” do not agree, in case you’re interested.

Fixed typo.

What are you even talking about?

I’m saying they are intentionally ignoring AOE3 in many of the promotions.


Ohh ok, I see, the word “ignorance” means something different than what you think it means.

They’re just marketing, it’s not because they’re out to get AoE3.

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Sorry for the typo. “Ignoring” not ignorance.

I can think of a much better way to word these “marketing”. Like “we also draw some ideas from other games like…” One sentence. And I don’t think it hurts.

IDK. Are people not allowed to discuss the newest game in the franchise? I find AoEIV to be subpar in many ways but I still follow its development and am glad to see it doing better. Why? because I’m a fan of the franchise like many and want to see it do well.

In fact, I’m trying to post a topic in your forum right now about why AoEIV is missing a compendium to see if AoEIV players would want it but for some reason its not going through.


Some people don’t like others to criticize their favorite game in the franchise. As long as criticism is fair and not needless bashing I don’t care


Yes… so they DO mention torches as if its something new.

It’s not just me who thought so! Good!


wouldn’t hurt to know where that happened