What other 'civ food' cards you want to see in the future?

These days there are home city cards that name after traditional food of each civ with effect involve food supplies.But we still need more civilized food feature cards to understand the history of food around the world

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth civ

  • “Pierogi” team HC card - 400 food
  • “Ruthenian Pierogi” HC card - 300 food + 5 Cossack Daredevil

Oh GAWD This reminds of the HILARIOUS

  • Chapati Movement

  • Chapati : is the GOTO Bread in India. Everyone eats it everydays in India.

STORY :laughing: :
1857 (Year of SEPOY Revolt)

The speed of Chapati distribution was particularly disconcerting to the British, because it was much swifter than British mail. And several inquiries were made as to the source and meaning of the movement.

More Details : Chapati Movement - Wikipedia

The revolutions could get this too. Bring on the Canadian maple syrup.

Got a weird sense of déjà vu …


Shepherd’s Pie
Livestock Pens spawn Sheep at a rate dependent on the existing sheep grazing at the pen. (Would not be a machine gun like rate of fire for spawning at max grazing mind! Rather typical sheep trading time at absolute max)

Fish & Chips
Increases Fishing Vessel gather rates and unlocks Royal Marines at the Dock and Tavern (ok, so that may be a little extreme :laughing:)

Cornish Pasties
Ships 5 Cornish Miners who excel at mining but cannot harvest other resources.


Beijing roast duck is a world-renowned dish in Beijing, originating from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period in China. The “Shizhenlu” already records roasted duck, which was a famous palace dish at that time. The ingredients used are high-quality meat duck, roasted with fruit wood charcoal fire, with a reddish color, fat but not greasy meat, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Beijing roast duck is divided into two major schools, and the most famous roast duck restaurant in Beijing is also a representative of both schools. It is known as a “delicious food in the world” due to its bright red color, tender meat, mellow taste, and non greasy fat,I think Beijing roast duck can be listed on Chinese Home city’s card,Can increase unit speed by 40%, attack power by 30%, and provide 500 food Crates



See no problem w balance

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Maybe The Beijing roast duck has to Chinese HC-Card is to 500 food Crates and just the Improve production efficiency of Village,According to an restaurant Picture Frame on Chinese cuisine, the three of them are preparing to cook and dry Beijing roast duck in a stove. They need to cut it into small pieces, so that the Chinese people can praise the roast duck after eating it
With the modernity, chefs are preparing to cut Beijing roast duck piece by piece and set up plates for foreigners and Chinese people to enjoy. After eating Beijing roast duck, it is commendable

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