What should Age of Empires IV improve?

Spearmen from different civs should have different weapons, they need more love.

Those oriental civs’ spearmen should no longer hold European guisarme, this is really strange.

Or you could replace those spears with a more general model like poleaxe. It looks better than guisarme and is more widely seen in various civs

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  • Gates must be allowed to placed before the wall built

you missinterprete numbers.
16mln pikes were created *80
15mln knights were created *240

after that you count “counters”

but it’s 16/15=1.06 pikes per knight
1680/(15240) = 0.35 efficient of resources.


facts can be interpreted in different ways.

people literally spend x3 resources on knights more than on pikes.
That’s the fact.
draw your own conclusions.

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Units killed ≠ Units created, since in many games they end alive. (With 2 spearmen you kill 1 Knight).

It is also that if more archers are made (I don’t know if the longbowman or another archer ranged unit of the style is included) it is normal that fewer spearmen are made.

The knight is cost efficient in the Late Game because it is an expensive unit (although in Late there is already a lot of wall and Keeps), which is why it could produce so much in the stat.

I didn’t really give my personal opinion on 1v1 knights and teams, if I’m not mistaken.

improve match making its totally broken. in recent times otherwise was fine before. getting too many conq when im plat

look at aoe4 wolrd for more no point for a plat to play conq. no to win not that good come on fix this asap.

I enjoy playing on water maps, however i would like to see some improvements to water balance since civs that have strong age 2 economic bonuses on land will always have a big advantage in water maps.

I would also love to see stuff like clans being added to the game. This is something i miss from aoe3. Clans could also have their own ranking system depending on how members perform, also clan based events would be really nice.

Lastly it would be really nice to be able to have our coat of arms hanging from our keeps and TCs.

bro plat player probably enters the game with his conqueror friends and this happens

nah once its was 2 gold and 2 plat vs 4 conq its broken to make mm quicker.

this game. full info on aoe4 world. i had 2 plat and 2 diamonds i think they quit at start vs 4 conq

Okay, the dock is like a cheap and very convenient second Tc, it should cost more, civilizations without economical bonuses should be improved in water, as the English reduced the cost of ships by 10%, I don’t want them to lower the collection rate any more deep sea

I wouldnt like fishing to be nerfed even more either, but i would like to see civs with no land eco bonus having something in water, or maybe toning down the stronger civs in water as well.

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Most players don’t like/interest to play water maps and most viewers don’t like to watch games on water maps (just look at the stats and feedback).

Some players say it’s because they have to learn another build or more multitasking and it is difficult, others because the games are almost always the same (and the latter is usually true).

There is a lot of action and a lot of micromanagement, but 2 fundamental elements are missing for its attraction: The strategic variety and a better aesthetic in water (accompanied by some extra resource).

I think that the gathering speed (aprox), aesthetics and water content of AoE3 (it is one of the strong points of the game) combined with the micro ship of AoE4 with its rock-paper-scissors, we could be talking about the best water in AoE and I would dare to say that it would be one of the best of all the RTS.

Maybe I’m freaking out, let me know.

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with such cheap springs they can drop the pickup rate similar to sheep and it would still be better than playing on land

Some players say it’s because they have to learn another build or more multitasking and it is difficult, others because the games are almost always the same (and the latter is usually true).

My two cents are that water maps typically mean I HAVE to go water just to keep up… There’s no option, I can’t choose a different strategy, I have to do it. That plus there are civs with massive advantages to early water so that strategies like destroying them early aren’t even really possible against them. It’s just too all in. You lose water, you lose the game almost. There’s very little wiggle room in that.

I have a similar issue with HRE fast castle. It’s like guess what I have to do to counter MaA spam? Anyone want to take a guess? That’s right, Age up. Only then do I have access to the choice of counter, xbows or Knights.


the docks and markets, which simulate another TC should not be cheap, this game is currently a Meta boom


Against an all-in Burgrave there are always ways to withstand the timing (even with civs that don’t have the direct counter in Feudal) even if it costs.

The water thing is absolutely mandatory to do and what you say is one of the reasons why many people don’t like these maps.

Yeah, this game needs more personality for it’s AI factions.

The game saying “intermediate AI has reached castle age” is just an indicator that it is an oversight rather than a designed regression.

  • Palaside walls shouldnt have beams people delete them for the lower the cost

For me:

1 New offline game modes - Campaigns, Challenges, Historic Battles

2 New civilisations - Byzantines, Japanese, Vikings, Spanish, Berbers, Aztecs, etc.


New civs PLEASE. I dont get why the two they added last werent some of the popular requested ones