Hi , as some of you that are currently online on these forums you would know me . This time I’m making this thread so we can discuss what we can expect from this month patch and the next ones to come .
Id start .
January Patch
In this patch I do expect this , I do want to say . I’m not an MP person , but I do agree that some of the game core is messed up .
Let’s start with the most POLEMIC problem currently affecting sooo hard the game , The Delhi sultanate.
It’s one of the biggest problems , and if you are not familiar with it , it’s one of the best civilizations in terms of fun , but devs messed up bringing Delhi some balance changes that ended up of breaking the civ instead of fixing it , some of the landmarks are useless , the only way to play Delhi competitive was taken down, and the civ have +30 bugs .
I do expect some changes for the Delhi civilization , and it’s confirmed that they would fix some of Delhi , but we don’t know HOW much.
For Delhi I do expect :
-Bug fixes for the general civ
-Fixed landmarks
-Fixed times of research
That’s it .
If mongols and rus are not nerfed , everything we wished for will have no sense , seriously , mongols have a landmark that produces infinite stone , MEANWHILE OTHER CIVS ARE CRYING and buying 10 of stone with a price of 250 of gold . Lmao , what is funny is that even if the ovoo doesn’t generate stone it gives the area of influence so they can spam military with the stone bonus.
It’s pretty much broken on imp if you don’t know how to defend them , and I know that I have to git gud lmao , but we all agree that MONGOLS and RUS are dominating the ladder , so if they make horse archers a bit slower and make their training more expensive it would be great. I also would like that RUS needs to expend more gold on the Profesional scouts tech.
For mongols I would say that the ovoo should produce stone slower and that the bonus stone training needs more time to produce two units at a time.
They can be easily defended if the enemy doesn’t bring siege , and if you have walls … and some mangonels… and some archers…
But ye , they need a clear nerf , they are broken as hell , I don’t know how it could be fixed , but my friend Age of Noob haves a good video on his channel so feel free to watch it
After some content creators did some tests they find that demolition ships have X2 the range it should + it explodes 2 times instead of one , that is the true reason on why they are broken and why they do so much damage , I don’t know what it’s causing this to happen , I think it can be that they messed up somewhere on the code?.. , I think I do have a theory , there is a tech for the demolition ships that does x2 of the damage , I think they messed up and now demolitions ships are being created with that technology researched , even if you didn’t research it , if you research it , it doubles like the infinite range spearman bug for example.
It’s only a theory ofc, but I don’t know what it could be , maybe a memory leak and the game doesn’t remember that the ship already exploded. I don’t know…
Here it is the Age of noob video , so you can see the stats of the Demo ship and understand what I am talking about :
Siege has been a problem since launch , being the first cheese meta with springalds , it progressed with mangonels , and now we have problems with bombards and Chinese clock tower siege.
It’s a big problem and I don’t know how to solve it , maybe if we do reduce the damage of the bombard and the reload time + make the price more expensive , we would get a good result .
Another thing we can do it’s , BUFF THE WALLS , they are CLAY walls in this moment , two bombards can take one wall in one second lmao , walls should have more hop and it should take more stone imo . Damn even wooden walls of aoe3 resist more than aoe4 stone walls .
And they are bigger.
So , these are what I do expect from this patch , I would update the thread when we have a bit of info of what is fixed for this month patch , What do you expect from this patch?