What we know

Great post! Thanks! And also I dont think the BETA starts on 16/06 but the survey does

@Otani64 said:
Great post! Thanks! And also I dont think the BETA starts on 16/06 but the survey does

The hope dies last

@“Andy P” said:

@Raw1812 said:
@“Andy P” You didn’t mention this but any info on the AI? They changed the AI for AoE2HD and packaged the old AI along as an option.

I swear they mentioned pathing, and I feel like I heard something about AI, too. But maybe I just heard UI and got my alphabet soup mixed up.

Bu to be fair, the pathing in their other rereleases has been worse than that in the originals.

Thank you for remaking the game that gave me more hours in my childhood. Surely I bought it, but it would be nice if they were incapable of improving artificial intelligence. :slight_smile:

And can you place flags to tell where the units will go?

I really hope the survey email wont get stuck like the registration one.

Thanks for the post very informative.

I just completed the survey, gl to everyone.

There’s a few new things announced with the interview with Bert Beeckman of Forgotten Empires today if you would like to update your original post @“Andy P”

“What changes were made to the actual game play? Is there anything that will work differently than it did in the original?”

“We tried our best to stick to the original core gameplay of the 1997 release, but introduced a few features that are now considered standard in RTS games. Things like attack move, gather points and intelligent villagers will all come to the game. There’s of course a very tricky balance to strike here, you can’t change too much or you’d turn the game into something that it’s not.”


Thank you for posting this.

Mr. Gates please, gates!

@HaiCinderella said:
OMG… The Beta starting tommorow :open_mouth:
I have holidays :smile:, please god i will a key :dizzy:

Beta really opened?

no gates? …

I have a Windows 10 pc, but is it true that it will only be playable on Windows 10?! Not releasing it for Steam will halve the player base, not releasing it for 7 and 8 will halve it again…

Yup no steam for now.

@smitske said:
Yup no steam for now.

That I know and even understand why Microsoft is doing it. But the Windows 10 only, i don’t get that. At all.

@SognaVetr said:

@smitske said:
Yup no steam for now.

That I know and even understand why Microsoft is doing it. But the Windows 10 only, i don’t get that. At all.

Microsoft pushed the free Windows 10 upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users for over a year. Windows 7 end of extended support is 2.5 years from now. The Xbox LIVE integration relies on technology included with Windows 8.1 or later.

@ComboCookie Sorry man, but gates have been confirmed to not be in the game.

Can you guys make unit queuing an added in-game setting feature with an on and off switch? I feel as though it isn’t a necessity. Atleast not to me it isn’t. Does anyone else want to chime in on this one?

Bronze (and perhaps iron) age upgrades for slingers and an iron age upgrade for camel riders would still be great!

@“Andy P” said:

  • You can train more than one unit at a time like AOE2

Wasn’t that standard in RoR?!