I imagine their time has been fully absorbed by the Fan Preview, preparing the livestream relic hosted on their channel the other day and also actually developing the game. They have also been interviewed by various youtubers.
I hear you though, there doesn’t seem to be much input on these forums from a dedicated community manager etc but there are mods, Mod applications have also been advertised out and maybe the dev team are struggling to cover these forums on their own and need outside assistance?
I do imagine that once the beta is in our hands and we give non-speculative feedback the devs will be on these topic/ posts like hawks
They have their own game board …
But the advice is really good in the sense that there are players who have a lot of experience in strategy. AOE.WARCRAFT, STARCRAFT, SPELLFORCE, COSAKS and more.
Would professionals like it …
Do you think that professionals would want such worse graphics and such ugly animations …
Please don’t turn this into ANOTHER thread focused on graphics/ animations - lets stay on topic and speculate as to what the devs are doing and why they aren’t visible/ making their voice heard on the forums.
In line with that, maybe they are working full speed ahead to fix bugs from internal testing so that the closed beta is in the best state it can be.