Where are you from?

Notice! “North America” here refers to the United States and Canada.
For Central America and the Caribbean, select Latin America please.
Due to system limitations, I can no longer change the options through editing.

  • East Asia
  • South Asia, Southeast Asia
  • Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Latin america
  • Oceania
  • Africa (outside North Africa)
0 voters

i mean, the forums are a relatively small part of the community, but it is known that the EU is the largest playerbase, we can figure this out simply from the steam charts, and apparently the US in particular is one the largest single countries.

This is interesting to see, but I really don’t like the assumption that where people are from should have any bearing on what expansions are made. They should make interesting civs from all over, not just western countries because the playerbase is from there. Give us Persians, Siamese, Maori, Shona, etc.


Just a heads up. There’s a country in Latin America that’s part of North America too


Indeed, this is the case. This survey may not have much practical significance.

Indeed, so I just deleted the words after the title. Now it’s a completely entertainment-oriented questionnaire.

That’s true, but since it’s been more than three hours, I can no longer edit the options.

There are many countries like that not just one

Poor Oceania (where I am right now)…only 1%

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most people would consider north america not to include central america and the carribean, it is typically the USA and Canada and sometimes Mexico.

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“Most people”…im not sure. Bt definitely north america is north of panama canal. I believe most people are taught the correct way. The people who define north america to be only canada and USA are more like english speakers who try to ignore latin america and the more underdeveloped countries. Btw countries like Guatemala, Honduras, el Salvador, belize and Nicaragua and carribean countries are also part of north america while also in latin america, not just mexico


North America is a continent in the Northern Hemisphere almost entirely within the Western Hemisphere.[b] North America is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea, and to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean. The region includes Canada, the Caribbean, Central America, Greenland, Mexico, and the United States.

The Spanish-speaking countries officially include both North America and South America as a single continent, América, which is split into four subregions: North America (Northern America and Mexico), Central America, South America, and Insular America (the West Indies).[7]

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The survey is wrong, it would be better to put Latin America and Anglo- America, or put South America and North America,

Because Mexicans, Central Americans and Caribbeans could be Latin American and North American at the same time.

I am also aware of this problem, but due to system limitations, I cannot modify the survey options.

Anglo-America includes Belize and excludes Quebec so that also isn’t right. Just putting USA and Canada would have been least ambiguous. But since it can’t be changed I’d say Latin America should supercede North America for countries that are both.

It doesn’t matter because don’t include them on the maps, Haiti is the opposite of Latin America, it can be considered non-Latin but in any case the maps cover it as a Latin American country, they also exclude Belize from Anglo America, you can check it by watching maps on Wikipedia

Here is the Wikipedia map of Anglo-America. Notice how Belize is included and Quebec is excluded?



Then you don’t understand how sample sizes work.

Those people are fools. Central America is a region of North America.

Depends on the language


Para nosotros lo es igualmente. Igual que el subcontinente Indio es Asia.

Y de hecho, América era solo una para los EEUU antes de las guerras mundiales

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América para los


Pero en fin, la RAE dice “Centroamérica” son los países del itsmo centroamericano

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