Which civs you want to see next in Age II DE

i donno any history of anywhere but i’d want to see more african civs


A selection of those which wouldn’t necessitate new architecture sets : Kanem, Haussa, Nubians, Somali, Swahili, Tarascans, Chimu, Mapuche

With new architecture sets: Mississippians, Haudenosaunee, Zimbabweans/Munhumutapans, Kongolese,Tongans

After getting a bit more civs in Africa and America and possibly some in Oceania, I’d like to see under the condition that they come with a new architecture sets:

Georgians, Armenians, Tanguts, Jurchen, Tibetans. Nepalese, Ghurid/Afghans, Uyghurs, Thai, Cham

And after that, if they still plan to add some civs:

Swiss (to get a new Central European civ) and Vlachs (to fix the Dracula campaign)

So priority wise:

  1. Africa/America/Oceania

  2. Asia

  3. Europe


l was said it would be good to add its not that important. l allready love this game and how it looks now.(thats just sugestion).

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I don’t really care where we go I just want the civs to be good and underutilized units to get lots of love!


African Civs and Content.


I’d like 48 or 50 as the final number of civs.

If 48: Jurchen, Tibetans/Tanguts, Thais, Somalis, Georgians and Vlachs
If 50: Kanembus and Shonas

I know Vlachs are not that relevant, but I just like them too much.

I’d love to see the Swiss, Tibetens, Jurchensand maybe another eagle civ.

IF there is a civ limit (whatever it might be), I’d like to see African and then Asian civs prioritised first, before returning anywhere close to Europe. I don’t necessarily care much for the Caucasus region, but if we’ve had some African and Asian civs already (and maybe some more from America?), why not fill the last spots with the Caucasus - they are after all, (for some reason) very popular.

If there is no civ limit, go wild, I don’t mind 100 civs as long as the UI is reworked to support that. It’d be quite interesting to see how they’d shake up the tournament meta as well. Since those are best of threes/fives/sevens or nines at most, having a choice out of 100 civs will be much more interesting to see.


In Africa, you can make at least 8 (Nubians, Somalis, Swahili, Zimbabwe, Kongo, Benin, Kanuris and Hausa), one at each cardinal point.
In Asia, I would like to see Tibetans, Jurchens, Thai, Georgians, Javanese and maybe one more Arab (Himyarites?).
In the Americas, at least the Chimu, so the Incas are no longer alone.
And in Europe, I still think you can put the Wallachians and an umbrella civ for Croats, Serbs and Bosnians (maybe Albanians too).

Anyway, aoe2 still has many options.


Seeing more civs would definitely be fun


They only added 1 in the last DLC :rofl:

If they make them I’ll buy them.

I’m getting more than my money’s worth out of the game already

Next you’ll ask for 5 civs like in the old days. How greedy!


Lets go for six to complete 48 at once.

The amount of time we would have to go without patches wouldn’t be worth it I think. It already takes forever, and each DLC takes months to create, and that’s just with 2-3 civs. With 6, we could literally be waiting a year for any updates worthwhile.

According to the ingame current string files, the limit is 48 unless they expand it.

On serious note, I have some weakness towards more steppe and Chinese civs. Khitan, Jurchen, Gokturks, Khazar - I want to see at least 2.

Priority on medieval empires:

  • Tibetan
  • Jurchen
  • Kanem
  • Ghorids

Other potential civs:

  • Armenians
  • Georgians
  • Vlachs
  • Serbocroats
  • Aragonese
  • Iroquois
  • Mapuche
  • Ghana
  • Hausa
  • Congo
  • Swahili
  • Zimbabwe
  • Benin
  • Nubians
  • Thai
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I’ve heard the limit has increased to 64 now.

I’d like the Ainu to be represented in the series somehow, maybe as a minor civ in Age of Empires 3.

Already kind of represented by Hindustanis I think, which have influence from them.

I don’t think they are needed, what would they bring that isn’t already covered by another Iberian civ? We also have Spanish which kind of cover them.