- [Celts]
- Belgians/Belgii [Celts]
- Boians/Boii [Celts]
- Britons [Celts]
- Celtiberians [Celts]
- Gaels [Celts]
- Gauls [Celts]
- Picts [Celts?]
- Aquitanians/Aquitani
- Lusitanians
- Turdetani
- [Germans]
- Franks [Germans]
- Goths [Germans]
- Norse [Germans]
- Saxons [Germans]
- Vandals [Germans]
- Etruscans
- Ligures/Ligurians
- Messapians/Apulians
- Oscans/Samnites
- Picentes
- Umbri/Umbrian
- Veneti
- Elymians/Sicani/Sicels
- Nuragiacs
- Dacians
- Thracians
- Illyrians
- [Greeks] Achaeans
- [Greeks] Aeolians
- [Greeks] Atticans/Athenians
- [Greeks] Bosphorans
- [Greeks] Dorians/Spartans
- [Greeks/Macedonians] Epirotes
- [Greeks] Italiotes
- [Greeks] Massalians/Phoceans
- [Greeks] Siceliotes
- Aesti
- Balts
- Bulgars
- Huns
- Magyars
- Scythians
- Slavs
- All of them!
- None
- I don’t know
- I don’t care
- Other(s)
0 voters
Second poll, how many civs do you think should be to this region? (still exclusively in Return of Rome, obviously)
- 1-2
- 3-4
- 5-6
- 7-8
- 9-10
- More
- None
- I don’t know
- I don’t care
0 voters
Okay, let’s get started with a new round of polls for new civs, this time for RoR (keeping in mind that it is very possible we will never see any new addition to this game mode). Since Western and Northern Europe came first in my poll regarding which region should be focused on in the next updates (and because I personally think this region should receive some love), I’ve decided to start with it. Don’t worry if there’s another region you want to see some love being given to, I have at least three additional polls planned at the moment.
Now some clarification, aside from the usual:
- What about the square brackets? Well, as you may have guessed, they’re umbrella civs. When an option in the poll is in square brackets, it means it’s a possible new civs that some may see as an umbrella. When the option isn’t between square brackets but is followed by a name that is, it means this civ could be covered by the bracketed umbrella, whether it’s a new civ (Celts, Germans or Scythians) or an old one.
- You may be surprised by the fact that all possible civs from the German umbrella were of little relevance during most of the Ancient Times, including the Roman Classical Era, and only became prominent during a time period that some would argue was not part of AoE1’s time period. On the other hand, tribes that were quite relevant earlier (especially the Cimbri, Teutons, Suebi, Cherusci and Marcomans) are not listed. That’s on purpose. I thought that while some people would like to see Late Antiquity be represented in game, and in this case a German split (assuming Germans are even represented in game) would probably be in order considering how relevant and different some of those subgroups are in this time period. On the opposite, I don’t think many people would be interested in seeing the German tribes from the early Roman Empire or even the Roman Republic be represented separately.
- I had to make some choices. I first planned on including the civs that fit under the Greek and Celt umbrella that lived in Anatolia and present the Scythians as an umbrella civ, but I reached the 50 options so I decided to remove those to keep them for the West Asian poll. There are also a few other options that I considered, such as Helvetians, Armoricans and Vettones, but I think they are already sufficiently covered by other options. Yes, I know technically Vettones are neither Celts nor Lusitanians, but I still think they would have been redundant. Obviously it’s possible that some people would have voted for them and that no one would be interested in the Nuragic or Turdetani civilizations, but as I said I had to make choices. Obviously I may have forgotten extremely relevant civs, and in this case I’m sorry, all I can say is that I am only human.
- Obviously, just because I put a civ in the poll doesn’t mean I want to see it in the game. It’s still the case even if I prioritized it over a civ that you may personally see as more relevant (especially if I did it because I forgot about its existence rather than because I consciously chose to push it to the side).