I’m all for new content, but we shouldn’t get more Euro civs before having at least three or four more for each Old World continent.
Having said that, if you split the Teutons, Spanish or Italians you should split Indians and Chinese first.
Other thing, I’m all for Roman Empire related content but, it’s a medieval game. I’d love Vandals and Alans, but in the game timeline, after 476, they are kind of irrelevant. Besides, we’ve had Romans since 1999…
Very interesting pick,how would this look like in game? Any thoughts?
Well, I don’t have an entire concept ready for each civ I suggest in my polls (otherwise the very first one would not be finished yet) but this one should definitely be focused on navy and trade. Maybe they could get “Hanseatic Port” as a unique building allowing self-trade?
it means that Basques in real life have always been known for their dairy products, so in-game, this could be reflecte by a farming/cattle bonus.

I mean, if Cumans and Huns are asian wouldnt Armenia and Georgia be Europeans?
Just because they are both Christians does not automatically make them European. It’s like saying that Ethiopia is European because it professes Christianity.
The Caucasus is adjacent to Europe and has some (but few) ties to Europe, but geography cannot be fooled. The inhabitants of the Caucasus are similar to the Europeans in appearance, but also the inhabitants of modern Egypt are similar to the inhabitants of Arabia. The Caucasus is an Asian area and that’s it.
The peoples of the Caucasus were not very expansive compared to the Turkish peoples, so their position is perfectly clear to us. The Huns, Cumans and Tatars were located in Europe, but they never assimilated with Europe and never became Europeans. Nomads are just nomads. They have always been close to Central Asia.
The Ottomans, in contrast, became to some extent Europeans because the citizens of their empire were numerous European nations and their country of numerous “European” reforms.

Just because they are both Christians does not automatically make them European
Im not talking about that. Im talking about a lot of stuff, ranging from thend the strobg Byzabtine influence to the social structure to their art and religious practices.

but also the inhabitants of modern Egypt are similar to the inhabitants of Arabia
And considering how they have little to no ties with african culture it would make sense? Seems like Europe is the only region that gets the additional privilege of saying that civs dobt fit their culture.
And Ethiopia only shares religion with Europe. Almost nothing is shares.

The Ottomans, in contrast, became to some extent Europeans because the citizens of their empire were numerous European nations and their country of numerous “European” reforms
How is this any diferent from Byzantine influence in Georgia though? If anything Georgia fits better with Europe