Which has better graphics, AoE3 DE or AoE4?

AoE3DE as Heinrich1996100 stated above, is just a year older than AoE4. So practically there is not the new-old concept that matters. Its the graphics style that differs and makes some to say the one or the other.

In my opinion both looks great. AoE3DE are the best realistic graphics out there in my opinion for game types like the AoE series ( CoH 3 with group units is not the same ) and AoE4 in my opinion are perfect graphics that I would expect in an animation movie.


also, because ppl will probably say age 3 is a remaster version - yes, but it already was a 3d game back then, so models and graphics were able to be totally up to date and therefore able to look as good as they do.


When age3 DE came it took me by surprise that how just a little graphic overhaul and some tweaks made a game looks and feel brand new. Iā€™m still playing Age3 DE almost everyday and sometimes take a moment to appreciate the new graphics.

But still I would say that AoE4 has more eye friendly Catchy graphics than AoE3 DE. AoE4 Graphics also looks cleaner and more readable.

We havenā€™t yet shown the full maps of AoE4 so canā€™t tell how much diverse they are but AoE3 DE maps are overwhelmingly diverse with vegetation and wildlife.


Aoe3 DE of course and i had to read someone thinking it is more cartoon-esque than aoe2de
That guy donā€™t know a dong about realistic graphic on RTS

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AoE3 DE looks better. The sad part is why we are having this discussion about a game so oldā€¦ There should never be a discussion about a game graphics compared to a game 15 years older.

Who play AoE3 DE with bloom activatedā€¦? Disable that stuff and the terrain crazy animations, no reason for them.


AoE3 DE is a game from 2020, not from 15 years ago.

Yes, it would be ridiculous to compare AoE4 with the original AoE3.


I think the comparison is incorrect. AoE 3 DE, despite the update, still looks angular and gives out its old age. Do not be fooled by staged screenshots from Steam and so on, as a result of AoE 3 DE, for the most part it looks completely different, but this is a beautiful game, it was cool and in the original, but it cannot be compared with AoE 4, they adhere to a different visual design. Given the new design and styling of the AoE 4, it certainly looks much better.


LoL, thatā€™s funny enough actually. To make the game look better, the player needs to lower the graphics settings and disable the terrain features. This definitely means that the game is good))


age 3 de is from 2020 and the graphics ar around as realistic as they can be there.
age4 is from 2021 and while not realistic, the graphics at the very least of building, are also quite up to date, albeit their art style may suggest lack of detail.


It IS more cartoon-Esque, ot because of graphics but gameplay. The cannonballs, the flying ragdolls - especially the latter ones- while it is realistic that a cannonball may hit your body in any direction, your body would probably also be split.
the ragdolls/physics of age 3 are therefore quite comical, so I can see where that argument comes from.

DE is a makeover in a game from 2005. Just by having people thinking it looks better than AoE4, a game that will be released in 2021, itā€™s already a moral defeat for AoE4. This discussion should never happen.

Bloom effects make a game look worse if not done correctly, I disable it in a lot of games (just like chromatic aberration, Blur and film grain), AoE3 was not made for these kind of effects, so it ends making the game looking worse.

And 3 DE terrain features on medium make it look like AoE4. On high there is just plants and grass everywhere with a saturated color so strong it blind your eyes.

If you donā€™t want to make AoE3 terrain to look more like AoE4 terrain, then you dislike itā€™s graphics.

Being limited by the ancient engine will never allow the game to have the graphics it could have if the game is redone from zero in current year.

You guys trying to pretend AoE3 DE is a game from 2020 is very dishonest.


If someone wants to compare AoE3DE with AoE4, that yes. We are speaking about a game released on 2020.

If you want to compare AoE3 with AoE4, than yes, we are speaking about a game 16 years old.

It has to do with what you want to compare. Every other behavior it is just not honestā€¦

PS: There might be some limitations because of the old engine, but still it is a 2020 release with much better graphics than AoE3. If the original AoE3 was a 3D game already, there may not be any limitation at allā€¦ and because we know that the original game had not any problem with units stack in terrain it is obviously that they change things even in the game engine.


Letā€™s start with the fact that it is initially wrong to compare these games. Their gap is too large, considering that AoE 3 is the black sheep of the AoE series, it generally stands out from the general range of games in the series, and of course these are games with completely different designs, itā€™s like comparing Civilization 5 and 6

I made a video with my new PC (Rtx 3080):

See It on 4k, native resolution of my monitor (LG 950B, HDR 600 VESA) and youā€™ll understand why i Say AOE3de Is much Better than AOE4.

And, i clearly see what happened with zoom out: detailed units and terrains help a lot.

So thereā€™s a reason why many people are angry with Aoe4 Graphic.

AOE3DE itā€™s brillant and a bit colourful but at the same time itā€™s Realistic with detailed units and effects: Water itā€™s Amazing and the only game with a Better water Is ANNO1800.

For this reason i Hope developers are already working on a GRAPHIC DLC.


Isnā€™t that aoe1 and aom, since those are the ones that donā€™t get new content anymore?, I think aoe3 is actually the second favorite considering that aoe2 de and aoe3 de are the only ones that get major new content.


Initially, the community considers AoE 3 to be a black sheep , with all the features of AoM, AoE 3 is still too different, too out of the series. The number of changes for the sake of changes kept the game from becoming popular.

Seriously? Through what did you look at the game? The models are still angular even taking into account the remaster, the graphics themselves are quite bright, but looking at it in detail you see all its flaws and irregularities, thatā€™s why itā€™s just ridiculous to talk about realism and mind-blowing detail, but the game is beautiful, but we can still notice that it is old a game. Not to mention that, in general, the gameplay of AoE 3 is too specific for the AoE series, the game received many unnecessary changes, simplifications and so on, this is a good game and there would be no questions about it if it were called for example Age of Colony, but it has the number 3 in its name, which makes it a black sheep of the series.


Did you the Watch video? This Is the problem: AOE3de Is a remaster (not remake) but It has a Better Graphic than a AOE4 that we assume would have been a next gen Title.


Yes, and I also played the game, both the original version and the remaster

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