Who the actual F is voting for coastal?


I do.Not my absolute favorite, but it’s the only reasonable hybrid map among the options, so it gets a vote.


I, too, voted coastal.

Could be worse. It could be Amazon Tunnel or Fortress. Despise those maps.

For me the primary question is who put it poll? It is already in the current rotation, so it does not belong into the poll.

I do.Not my absolute favorite, but it’s the only reasonable hybrid map among the options, so it gets a vote.

Why not Kawasan?

It’s a worse version of Four Lakes. Far too snowbally, without any reasonable comeback options. There isn’t much strategic depth to it. Besides, I dislike all maps with these extreme resource concentrations in the middle, let it be gold, berries, relics, whatever.

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It’s a worse version of Four Lakes. Far too snowbally, without any reasonable comeback options. There isn’t much strategic depth to it. Besides, I dislike all maps with these extreme resource concentrations in the middle, let it be gold, berries, relics, whatever.

Isn’t it a strategic choice if you go for berrys or fish?

I like maps with food in the middle, but the relics in the middle on top of it make it maybe unnecessairily snowbally.

But it is a long time since it was in the map pool, while Coastal is right now in the pool. So I prefer Kawasan.

No, initially going for berries always loses to fish boom. The only alternative to dock is some all-in early land aggression.

No, initially going for berries always loses to fish boom. The only alternative to dock is some all-in early land aggression.

It is some time ago and my elo was lower than but I combined going for berries with early land aggression. The berries mean you don’t need farm until mid-castle age, so you also need much wood and can send even more vilagers to berries. WIth all that food you can make Militia, MAA and Scouts. Its like Greenland, but a bit worse because berries collect slower than fish. But going for fish early seems to me too slow when such cheap early aggresion is available instead that isn’t even all-in because you can eventualy click up because of all the berries. When I last played the map I want up from lik 600 to 750 elo, I would like to try that again now on 1000 elo.

Coastal is nice for a change. More arabia esque but with water and without the shenanigans of nomad