Why converted units cannot be upgraded?

Will the balance be very broken if converted units are upgradable? If yes in what circumstances? I am never able to convert more than 4-5 units (10 max) in castle age in “hard” difficulty. Sadly they become the odd units in my army when I upgrade in Imperial Age.

It especially feels unfair when I am playing a civ with Cavalier upgrade only and it seems the only good reason to research that tech to get those few hard earned converted knights to be stronger. Only to discover that I cannot do that.

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You have to see that there are several civs which have “inherent” civ bonusses to certain units.

Also in respect to UUs, some civs don’t get their own UUs “fully upgraded”. Which means the converted unit would potentially become much stronger than it would be for the OG civ.

So what it leaves us with is the decision whether we want to reset the units to the “blank value” or “freeze the stats” as it is atm. And I personally prefer the latter one. Because this would acutally in the most cases give a more “usable” unit as it would have at least some upgrades on it.

Imagine you convert an enemy CA but because you have a cavalry Civ it doesn’t even have fletching on it then. Would be practically useless. So I prefer then to get a unit which is actually usable over that even if I can’t upgrade it.

Sometimes we have dreams, but you need to think about the consequences of these dreams. Maybe if you play Knights + Monk vs Knights you want to be able to upgrade the converted Knights. But there are different units and civs out there. Some civs don’t even get any cavalry upgrades - what would they get from a conversion then?

The best Civ Bonuses don’t even carey over like the Roman Charge or Lithuanian Relic. So I don’t know what super strong units you are talking about?

That’s not a civ bonus, but an effect from a unique tech, so it does carry over.

Source: I converted Centurions in the Alaric campaign the other day.

Effect from techs researched by enemy should carry over? Shouldn’t they? Does the charge work after conversion?

There are some units when converted you may get bonuses that your civ has such as monks and villagers. For example if Aztec monk converts enemy monk and you command it to pick relic, it will become native Aztec monk with all hitpoint bonuses. Same will happen with villagers, you task them do different job that converted villager did before conversion.

In my opinion “blank value” is far better than “freeze the value” if half of the bonuses are not even carried over properly.

That’s because the model changes. The same happens for the Ratha as well when you change modes.

It’s not model it’s unit ID which changes.


The charge works after conversion, as does the effect of any unique tech, because it’s a value set to the unit itself, not the result of a civ bonus.