Why I think a Balkan DLC is a bad idea

This is true @OceanEcho, several of the ethnic groups you mention didn’t exist in middle ages, and appeared later.

Then tell it to him.

Thailand is quite possibly a bigger playerbase than Bosnia, Croatia, North Macedonia and Slovenia combined, we (sadly) didn’t get any Thai civ in RotR and afaik it didn’t start any riot. We should stop asking the devs to base game design on the fear of Slovene retaliation.


Fine. Then lets do only Serbs in that case and get negative reviews on the dlc.

I’d personally rather like to have Serbs and Croats as separate civs, rather than just having a new big blob that everyone could but actually no one would feel represented by. It might come at the cost of the Albanians having to wait a little bit more, though.


I looked it up at the playerbase by country. Surprising results.

Top 3:

  • China
  • USA
  • Argentina

33. Romania
40. Ukraine
55. Slovenia
58. Croatia
64. Georgia
65. Serbia
74. Bosnia
76. Armenia
84. Thailand
89. Moldova
90. North Macedonia
94. Albania

As you can see, Thailand’s playerbase is very small. Only bigger than North Macedonia but one has a population of 71.000.000 people, the other a population of 2.000.000 people. Slovenia, with another 2.000.000 population has a much higher playerbase than Thailand.


Cant wait for the Argentina/Chile DLC featuring Diaguitas and Mapuche

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I fully support this,devs can look at the old mod which had these added for inspiration.

As far as potential new civs go, not gonna lie, I’m a total Euro hater

If you are a hater then no one should be influenced by your opinion because it is always radical.

There is a chasm between reluctance and hatred.


Welcome to the fandom where you can’t make jokes

Also do you realize around half of the civs in the game are European? Of course I’m going to complain about people trying to increase the bloat.


Of course he has the right to be an Euro hater and for once I actually appreciate someone for stating it instead of trying to prove that Balkans are full.

China is because almost half of da humankind lives there
USA is because of half of world money is there
Argentina is because all Russians switched to this region after Steam declared them inferior race and limited their rights on racial basis. In addition, Argentina counts all the players in the world who want cheap games. There are almost no real Argentines in these statistics.

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Man, look. Slavic content is not really a Euro thing. This is Europe by geography but totally not if we speak about languages, cultures, religion, economy, country-rulling principles. This is totally a parallel universe, ok? I agree that we have 100500 tons of Euro content which is Franks, Brits, Spanish, Crusaders and so on. But Slavic thing does mean making step aside of it.

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There are 5 Slavic civs, that’s still one more than Indians civs and 2 more than African or Native American ones

Even if you try to claim it’s not the same as Western Europe, it’s not that unrepresented either.


5 Slavic civs who? Polish, Czech, Bulgars - ok. Slavic umbrella totally doesn’t count, forget of it.

Rus - not presented
Cossacks - no such
Balkans - 0 civs
No Romanians for their own campaign

And you say they are overpresented? Srsly?

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Just rename Slavs and add Romanians. We don’t need every East European civ represented like we don’t need every West European civ represented. I don’t even think Cossacks fit the time period.


Good that you not in charge of the dev team with this “Invite - just add some water” principles.

Just rename Hindustans and you get your desired civ then.

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And what do you suggest? Add 5 totally-not-culturally-European civs and pretend the current Slavs never existed? Keep it completely unchanged as it becomes ever more redundant?

Also you completely ignored Lithuanians.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I’m completely against adding more European civs, I only make an exception for Romanians because they already have a campaign. The only other exception I’d make is if we got a split of the Celts.

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I see you apply double standards. Europhobia is cool and trendy. The opposite is racism and ignorance X D

You probably share this view…