Why I think a Balkan DLC is a bad idea

This is the whole list of what I suggest.

Aren’t you the guy who wants a huge split of the Teutons but thinks Albanians can just be included in Venetians?

As I said, I’m against adding more Euro civs to the game, not against real European people.

I’d maybe be more receptive of more Euro civs if there wasn’t a new Euro DLC almost every other DLC (and the fact the devs stopped adding new arch sets also doesn’t help).


He joked about being anti-Europe because its a silly term because almost no one is anti europe, most people who complain about Europe just want more stuff for everywhere else because Europe already has a lot

Meanwhile theres quite a few people who think history outside of Europe is irrelevant, inferior, uninteresting or that extremely diferent peoples are “all the same”


I said, and I quote:

It’s funny that only the “Euro hater” part registered in his mind.


Me euro hater? Nah I’ve got more of a nuanced view.
My point is there’s nothing wrong imo if you dislike something until you won’t harm someone. I may dislike Japanese culture, so what? You’re entitled to your ###### ### of course people will judge you for that and this is fine: it’s what it’s called real life, having likes and dislikes. Not everyone can love European civs, it’s fine as long as you don’t force your tastes upon others, you will like something else. Tastes are tastes, the only way to change them is to manipulate people through fear or sense of guilt or physically threaten them but that’s what totalitarian regimes do and personally I’m very much for freedom of speech and tastes, even when it’s hate. Better to hate something as a free person than to state you love everything because you’re forced to, no?
As I said at least he’s being honest, not trying to rationalise why Balkan civs shouldn’t be added like op did, and I appreciate people being honest even when I disagree.

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Probably because the Lithuanians are Balts and not Slavs :eyes:


Apart from RoR DLC and of course V&V DLC, the last two DLCs focused on Asia. It’s unknown what region would be the subject of a potential future DLC. I’m betting it’s not Europe.

I have always been a supporter of new Architecture Sets and it can be done - all it takes is the will from the developers. The lack of the Caucasian Architecture Set in TMR DLC is a scandal in my opinion. It would also be possible to divide the Mediterranean Architecture Set into two separate ones - Iberian and Italian.

The problem is the laziness of creators, not the alleged boredom of Europe!

Following this line of thought, future non-European civs will be treated the same - copy paste.

This I agree with. Give me an Andean set already.


Okay. But I’ve often come across texts about me being someone bad etc. because I’m interested in Europe and I want new European civs - and I have ideas to make them something fresh.

Moreover, more than once, my topics on the forum have been attacked by Eurosceptics - and that’s fine by them. It’s the same with everyone else. Topics concerning non-European civs are not treated this way - this probably means something?

Besides, I myself noticed that when I wrote about proposals for something non-European I was ignored. This shows that Europe evokes emotions on both sides.


Let’s not forget about the Nomadic Architecture Set (priority for Europhile xDDD)!!!

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Yes I think no one who’s got any honesty left would argue that it’s safer to hate Africa than to hate Europe recently (at least superficially) but like @Apocalypso4826 said it’s not that you have to conform to what is the sensibility surrounding you or always give up to social pressure (also trends change overtime, you don’t have to unless you agree, one day you may find yourself in line with others without even trying it). Sometimes is hard to be hated or feel like you’re the one that goes against the crowd but you shouldn’t give it all that importance really. Just do your thing, enjoy what you enjoy and hate what you hate, no one can take that away from you (for now lol). As for me if you tell me you prefer Europe over the rest there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just your taste, I don’t need to change it.

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Thank you for your understanding.

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Romanians and Serbs is enough.We need Romanians due to the Dracula’s campaign.The Serbs are nice to be added,they beat Bulgarians,Hungarians,Greeks and built an empire by the lead of Stefan Duơan.The Serbs are also active in Balkan for several centuries in medieval and play an important role.


In addition to that, it compliments well with Slavs being renamed.

Not surprising results, I know. But this is surprising:
33. Romania
40. Ukraine
55. Slovenia
58. Croatia
64. Georgia
65. Serbia
74. Bosnia
76. Armenia
84. Thailand
89. Moldova
90. North Macedonia
94. Albania

I agree, sadly, with your point 4., and maybe 5. But pretty much everything else you wrote was nonsense.

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You are quite a lenient teacher then.

I understand if Balkans is not OP’s taste. But the sad part is OP is factually wrong about all his points. This is not a matter of preference, he’s just wrong in the same way 1+1=3 is wrong.

And the fact the original post, despite being so factually wrong has 13 likes, it just goes to know how little people know about this part of the world.

Not knowing is not bad, there’s nothing wrong with not knowing. But not knowing and acting like you know is bad. Which is what happened here.

  1. Magyars are not balkan. Teutons (Austrians) are not balkan. Turks are arguably balkans. Byzantines are arguably balkans. Italians are not balkan. Cumans are not balkan.

When we remove all the made up balkan nations (Reading that list, I was expecting he added Aztects too on the list of balkans) so that OP can have a point when he actually doesn’t. We are left with only 1 Balkan civ - Bulgarians.

  1. We’ve added a lot of Western European civs, not Balkan civs.

There is only 1 balkan civ. As for the East Asia being most popular, I guess sales will show.

Nowdays it’s a lot safer to say “I don’t like Europe” than say “I don’t like anything else outside of Europe”, which is why topics like these exist, imagine a topic “Why I think Africa DLC is a bad idea” you have 80% chance of being banned even though it’s just a game, but all this political censorship won’t stop people having preferences. In the end, they vote with the wallet.

  1. This can be so easily fixed with a Black Sea new architecture set.

Byzantines, Bulgarians, Armenians & Georgians → Black Sea architecture set. Problem fixed.

  1. Umm Slavonian + Vlach.

Easy fix with only 2 civs.

  1. Meanwhile the small market:


A small


It’s a phenomena called “pro-OutsideOfEurope players are more asholes”. Some pro-Africa and pro-Asia players come on balkan topics to hate on the balkans, or make topic like this. I have never seen the reverse. With pro-Europe players doing the opposite, hate on pro-OutsideOfEurope players or making topics like this. They aren’t smaller, it’s just that pro-OutsideOfEurope players a act more like entitled bullies.

But once again, sales will show.

  1. They are culturally differentiated. Just because you don’t know history, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I am not surprised that the person who believes Magyars, Teutons and Italians are balkan is the same person who believes that the balkans are not culturally differentiated.

Generally, before I think the time to write about something, I take the time to read about it, but maybe that’s just me being weird.


Byzantines & Bulgarians. I would accept Vlachs and Serbs, but beyond that is just ridiculous. We don’t need 8 civs for a such a small region, especially with irrelevant people like Albanians.

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By the way the Sicilians should have a Arab-Norman architecture, or Norman–Arab–Byzantine architecture if you prefer. But yes, it would be a huge improvement over now.

and for the Venetians, as I have been saying for a while, just add the Galeazza to the Italians with the flag of Venice.