I remember an interview on Gamestar with EA in 2005 or 2006, where it was about C&C3. They said they were aiming for the esport throne held by Starcraft. The entire interview was all about competitive PvP, graphics, esports, and the challenges in creating an observer mode.
Barely anthing about story or lore.
In the final game, most of the lore from the previous games was either completely rewritten from scratch, scrapped entirely, or poorly summarized in short text blurbs that could be unlocked as part of an ingame database. And that game became the sole reference for C&C lore for many players that joined the C&C community with that game.
The gameplay was essentially a copy of RA2 with a few elements of Generals added to it.
When it comes to story and plot, it was framed as a sequel to Tiberian Sun, but when it comes to faction design and actual plot, it was Tiberian Dawn all over again, with a sci-fi coat of paint, and with a more or less generic Alien Invasion added on top.
The way Tiberium worked was also completely rewritten. While it remained a green crystal that comes out of the ground that can ebe harvested for money, the lore behind it is completely different, with no trace of the original lore left, safe for one or two lines in the ingame database, saying it “evolved”. That way, and how it was implemented in the game, made it a generic resource, completely void of the threat it represented in the past as well. Yes, the story still tells us it’s dangerous, but you don’t feel that in the gameplay. Not once. Not even in the most extreme situations.
And the tiberium ecosystem with the mutated landscapes from Firestorm? Veinhole monsters, and other Tiberium life that could threaten the players troops and even the base? Gone, without as much as a mention in the database. (Maybe half a sentence about how Tiberium had almost organic seeming appearence, before it evolved.)
Like, even if you agree that it was the best entry in the series, gameplay wise, and there are valid points to that claim, you can’t deny that the lore was changed and re-written in a massive way. Something EA would not be able to get away with today. Despite none of the lore changes having anything to do with politics, other than making the political situation easier to understand for someone who has no idea about the lore and just has one look at an ongoing match.
There are people who even prefer the new lore. I STRONGLY prefer the old lore. Even tho some aspects of the new lore are cool and make sense, I disagree with the majority of the retcons.
And the balance patches always favored fast paced, spammy multiplayer tactics, with base building features being weaker than in previous games from the very beginning, and getting weaker as patches came in, which hurt the singleplayer campaign, to the point of certain missions becoming almost unwinnable that were previously well managable. Like cranes not being able to make turrets made a big impact.
Sorry, was a bit of a rant, and went way over board.
But I assume you get the point.