Why is aom retold losing players so fast?

Is the release hype over already? Player number drops below aoe3


ATTENTION: this is just my opinion

  1. POINT 1: Population. There are people who played the game in its days and see correct “maintain the classic”. But think about the people who are new to the game. Small battles feel like a HUGE DOWNGRADE compared to other similar RTS games, and they undermine a good part of the game’s potential. See my opinion HERE

  2. POINT 2: Destruction of defensive play. I´m going to explain this point carefully because I am not an special fan of turgle games. But what has been done in AoM Retold hasn’t favored aggressive play; instead, it has COMPLETELY DESTROYED towers, fortresses, and made almost every match end in less than 20 minutes.

What’s the point here? AoMr has become repetitive in its variety of gameplay, and as a result, it has gained MONOTONY. On the other hand, the late game has a lot of potential—mythical units, upgrades, etc.—that are barely seen in the game. This leads to a SIGNIFICANT LOSS of the potential complexity of AoM Retold.

1- Nerf farms
2- Buff hunter
3- Add diamond mines that are collected 15% faster but NEVER spawn near the base.
4- Make towers to cost 1 population.

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AOM is doing just fine. The hype will die and then player number will hit an all time low and then just rise up steadily just like other games. Even now I don’t have a hard time finding matches and mind you I only play 6v6 on EU servers.(although sadly at least one player always desyncs) and also the game did launch with lots of multiplayer issues.
Also some people do stop playing games after new content is announced so they can exprience the game alongside the new content.


There’s always a certain drop after the launch, then a stabilization, and if the game is well managed, a slow increase in players begins. But AoMr is dropping too much and hasn’t stabilized yet.

I thought this game had the potential to perfectly rival AoE4. However, as of today, I have serious doubts that this will happen, even if things are done right from now on. In fact, I didn’t even buy it myself.

Yes, that is, many players will go down and then when the Chinese DLC comes out it will rise again to 15K and so it will be all the time…



You have to align the charts by release to get a real comparison. AoE3DE lost players way faster then AoMR did.
AoE3DE has like 50% more players since it went Free to Play.

If we look at AoE4 and AoE2DE too then we notice that AoE4 had an extreme peak but crashed extremely quickly. AoE4 got back up thanks to the developer adding new content, features and general polishing.

AoE2DE is the only one in the series that had a slow start.

I wonder how well each of the games sold. I bet AoE4 sold better then AoE2DE.


Also, context is important-3DEs launch was botched. I didn’t pick up the game again after a couple of months after release.

The poor launch greatly hurt 3DE.


DLC + Co-op Mode with the game and the fixes already made in stability and bugs = Good numbers again.

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Coop campaign could bring lot of people also

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Well, I play almost all the games, and each one has something to offer, but my free time is limited, and I haven’t yet dared to try the single player against the AI or multiplayer.

Also consider that:

  • AoE IV is about to end its season 8, and many are desperate to increase their level in the Ranked before it ends, including me, there is no time for other games.

  • AoE III on Steam (Vanilla) has just lost its official multiplayer service. Now we will have to use VPN and pirate accounts, especially to play Wars of Liberty and among those looking for the solution to the problem, well, that’s where time is wasted.

Finally, it must be understood that AoM:RE was the Hit of the moment, and many played the campaign eagerly. But after that, it is normal that after finishing it, they take their time to play it less frequently, both in multiplayer and singleplayer.

Maybe if, like in AoEIV, there were prizes or rewards for something each season, people would be more encouraged.

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The economy and survivability of structures are all balanced around small armies. You’d have to either massively boost the former or massicely nerf troops to make large armies balanced.

They should definitely add metal ranks and rewards. AoE 4 has this and I think it makes a big difference.


Sorry, but the things you are suggesting will only ruin the game. None of what you said makes sense when put into practice. I suppose you haven’t played at a decent level to understand that what you want, in terms of changes, is a bad idea.

What exactly have I proposed that hasn’t been implemented in other games?

Defensive structures have been severely nerfed, even against small armies. Structures in the original AoM were much stronger. Currently, towers are hardly upgraded, and castles practically only serve as training buildings

If you don’t see why what you propose is bad game design and will mess up the balancing of AOM, it’s pointless for me to even try to convince you. If you want to sit in your base all game, surrounded by buildings, you can go play a game that is designed for that, AOMR is not.

Notice that I pointed out that I don’t like turtling games, yet I still can’t get those reading me to avoid taking things to the extreme.

For some reason, when I say that defensive structures are useless and should be buffed (and even propose alternatives), there are still people who conclude that I want a game 100% focused on turtling and booming.

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AoMR has by far the smallest amount of content compared to any of the others (not counting AoE1DE).
AoE2DE and AoE3DE had significantly more content on release already.

Content is the biggest problem AoMR has and any new DOC will diminish this disadvantage.
Immortal Pillars will feature a full campaign unlike any of the AoE3DE DLC.


AoE4, at its WORST, had a peak of 8,000 players during the week. AoM Retold is a week away from dropping below 6,000. As a former AoE3 player, I’m a witness to what it’s like being in a game that has sunk.

When the chinese DLC will be released, there will be a new opportunity to bring back many players and show them the current state of the game, but there won’t be another opportunity of such magnitude

Because people already played the campaigns and the skirmish matches against AI until they are satisfied.

Notice how in steam, the achievement for completing the first campaign mission is 60.7%, while the Play a multiplayer match is only 34.3% (notice this include ANY multiplayer, even co-op with a friend against AI or any kind of custom lobby).

The number of RANKED multiplayer may be even lower. So if we desconsider player that got the game but did not played (a lot fo people it seems) we have single player/campaign players being the double of the population of any multiplayer and even lower for ranked multiplayer.

AoM playerbase seems to be mostly casual single player people.


It’s pretty much the same case in all AoEs