Why is aom retold losing players so fast?

No seas doomer sobre AoM poniéndolo a la par que AoE3 hombre. Los devs que han trabajado en AoM está haciendo las cosas mejor.

Según tengo entendido por algunos jugadores de alto nivel, AoM EE premiaba más el juego de doble base y Edad Heroica.

El juego necesita contenido, QoL y balance y recordemos que en las primeras semanas o meses de un juego, aún muchos no saben detener bien las agresiones.

Hmm turtling is more of a compensation, because the defending player always ends up losing Villagers and having a lot of idle time xD.

I guess turtling adds more strategical depth to the game. You can decide to invest into making sure that something is secure, like a gold mine with a castle or a flank with stone walls. And then the opponent can decide if they want to invest into pushing back or change plans.


I know I went from playing every day to once in a while. It’s not because I don’t like the game or anything. There are just other games that have come out and updates to existing games. Some people are going to play all day every day and others will just log in once in a while. The game is just hitting it’s equilibrium.

I’m sorry but it is absurd to say that a MOBA is a more complex game than an RTS. Remember, we’re not talking here about the skill ceiling, but the floor. How difficult it is at a low level to jump in and start. It’s much easier to keep track of a single character than dozens.

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100% easier to control a single unit, no matter how complex the rest of the game is.

Thats why Mobas completely replaced RTS for the general public.

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MOBAs like DOTA 2 are more strategically complex. Mechanically they are less difficult than RTS. Lower skill floor too.

MOBA games are more tactical (a branch of strategy) than RTS (Team coordination and short/medium term combat), RTS are more strategic in general and usually require deeper planning (especially in the medium/long term with base building, choice of units, technologies, denying resources, use of multiple units…).

I just don’t understand this discussion which is long outdated.

In my experience, as someone who went pretty deep into both genres, the way they’ve evolved socially is one doesn’t really take the other seriously. Which is disappointing, because it always turns it into “my game is deep / no my game is deep”.

The tactical aspect of RTS games also varies between franchises and iterations in a franchise, just like the strategic depth of MOBA games varies depending on how closely they hew to DotA vs. trying out new things within that genre.

The original raw APM of the DotA mapmod was comparable to (but slightly under) competitive Starcraft at the time (but also varies significantly per hero, or at least did in the past).

I think it’s just fine. Nearly all the AOE games have a healthy population, RTS is a pretty niche genre.

As for above I do think they should increase tower damage by a a little bit since they’re pretty much useless. I think making your base a bit more defendable in the beginning by increasing tower damage would help more defensive players.

Also no clue why RTS and MOBA are being compared most MOBA players have no interest in RTS they are completely different games.

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Well in theory if you are fighting with a kinda similar army under tower (or maybe tc) fire + close by unit reinforcement from the defender, the defender should win. I do think playing defensive is a bit too hard/weak in this game, because gold runs out so quickly and most resources are more in the middle of the map you have to be more aggressive. I can only regularly win playing defensivly (so 2 tc and booming for life) in ranked by using Hades or Freyr because of the Sentinels and fortress.

I think they should buff overall tower damage by a little bit and maybe increase melee armor for TC’s, fortresses and towers

Unfortunately Retold doesn’t appear to have this type of balance at present. I had 25 norse axethrowers destroy my town center in literally 2 seconds in game today… How is that even logical. Buildings need to have a little more substance among some other tweaking.


I personally always saw AoM as a sort of PvE game, the wacky GP and unit abilities make the game quite difficult to balance.

Nerfing defensive buildings was obviously a mistake - I am not sure who came up with this idea, probably some self proclaimed pro of a dead game, but given that MU exists and do siege damage in the 2nd age and you can get one for free, defensive buildings being powerful was what made age3+ play viable in the first game. I pretty much feel the stench of SC2 balance and design here, but AoM has neither the rock solid game engine nor the rock solid popularity and promotion behind it to be successful like SC2. Age of Empires players typically like ducking it out, rushing is usually viewed as noob play in this community. Oh well.

Imo aside from the PvE content, there is little reason to play this game, unfortunately. Which is probably why they shifted course and we’re getting 30 new PvE scenarios for free.


That is higher then I expected for the game. There are comp stomps being played online that contributes to it but I don’t see a lot of such games being hosted in comparison to what I have seen from other games.

Defenses need to be a bit stronger I have seen someone on the offensive fighting the enemy under 2 Migdol Stronghold protecting a gold mine because they had no respect for those type of buildings.

Arena of the gods was planned and announced before the game came out but was delayed. Hoping it helps get more people playing.

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You get that achievement very easily, you shouldn’t use it as a benchmark for PvP games.

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You get that achievement for starting a multiplayer game once. Regardless if it’s casual PvE coop or ranked PvP.
PvP competitive play is and always was a small but vocal minority for any given RTS game. Be it AoM, be it AoE2, Be it Starcraft or Starcraft 2. And that didn’t change with the games getting older. One would think that a lot of players who are only interested in the singleplayer content would move on to different games, leaving only the competitive multiplayer guys behind battleing it out for top ten spots on a leaderboard, but you get more people replaying the campaign over and over than people trying to climb the leaderboard, even after decades.

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Because of some Bullshit. Ultra Turtle favoured game. You can get Max Upgraded walls in Age 2. The Hera Storm Power is Bullshit it can Kill 50 troops alone. You Kill the Army of the Guy and still lose on score. You can do 2 Tcs Kill the Guys army and then he Goes Hera and Win. When they Nerf Walls Upgrade and Put in Age 4 Only and Nerf this OP Hera Power and Nerf Nords i will come back.

Considering you get this achievement by playing ANY kind of multiplayer, including playing with a friend against AI, this number is very low.

Imagine that adding all kinds of multiplayer: casual, custom lobby, match against a friend, co-op with friend against AI, etc… there is only 35% (60% completed the first campaign mission) of players that played multiplayer, imagine how low the number of RANKED multiplayer is.

I also think that the decision to weaken defensive buildings was made in imitation of Starcraft. The irony is that whoever made that decision didn’t understand Starcraft.

As a former Starcraft player, I have to say the defensive component is actually very strong. Each player starts on a sort of fortified ‘acropolis,’ and the defensive buildings are very effective.

-So why isn’t Starcraft 2 a turtling game?
Simple. Starcraft 2 forces you to go out onto the map for resources; staying in your base is a death sentence, so defensive buildings have to be used with moderation.


Particularly high ground advantage.

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Don’t forget the classic cannon rush!