What the hell is the game doing on the GPU, while in the main menu
EDIT: I capped the framerate to 120Hz and it brings the MENU down to 45%. See here on Reddit:
Why is the menu in AOE4 so badly optimized?? Come on Relic! : aoe4 (reddit.com)
My 4080 is working as hell, and the fans go mad … what is this really? 94% load! See the screenshots below
93,7% GPU load in the MENU. The game is NOT running in the background or anything like that … this is BEFORE playing a game. CPU load is not that high but the GPU is going mad
Nothing going on … just the Ranked menu. No game running in the background or nothing
The Load on the GPU is 96% !!! So the fans go crazy to cool down the 4080 card on Windows 11
For comparison this is Windows 11, just running idle after I quit the game:
EDIT:I should note that the GPU is still 98% loaded in the Menu screen AFTER a game has finished! In the “statistics” screen where you see how the game went.
If I’m on the menu screen BEFORE a game, e.g. the “ranked” screen … it is approx 50% GPU load, but the menu / statistics screen after a game is at 98% if I run the game at 4k.It drops down to 67% if I lower the resolution to 1440p. Everything else is maxed out and it’s running in HDR
I now have the framerate capped to 120Hz and run VSYNC all the time. That does NOT fix the AFTER game menu, it’s way too heavy!!! A 4080 card should really laugh on this menu / statistics screen after a game has finished ( I know the game is “running” in the background! ), but it’s struggling and the fans go overboard - it’s much more load than running the actual game!?!
Now what is up with this AFTER game menu/statistic screen really?
Namely this screen here, which runs at 98% GPU load at 4k @ 120Hz ( with framerate capped to 120Hz as well ) - VSYNC on. The moment I close this screen, the GPU load goes down.
This is the badly optimized screen:
And here is a screenshot from my machine the moment I close / exit AOE4 for comparison … everything is cool and calm with no load at all on the CPU running 4k Windows 11 @ 120Hz with HDR:
VERY SILENT, calm and cool so it’s definitely AOE4 statistic screen which is causing all this GPU load:
EDIT 3: This statistics screen after a game actually runs at 96% GPU !!! What the hell Relic ? Are you mining bitcoin on the GPU after each game or what is going on behind the scenes?
Got my framerate capped at 120Hz, and have VSYNC on but still the fans spin like CRAZY after each game … that’s the reason I found about this major GPU load. Definitely not normal:
This is the bugged screen: