Why nerf Ootd?

  • Aachen Chapel bonus increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Meinwerk Palace bonus increased from 40% to 50% cost and research time.
  • Golden Cuirass cost increased from 50 Food 125 Gold to 100 Food 200 Gold (50 Food 100 Gold discount).
  • Zornhau cost increased from 100 Food 250 Gold to 150 Food 350 Gold (75 Food 175 Gold discount).
  • Bodkin Bolts cost increased from 200 Food 500 Gold to 300 Food 700 Gold (150 Food 350 Gold discount).
  • Corrected Gilded Handcannons missing projectile and muzzle effects.

They have the worst eco in the game. And then you just almost double the prices for the unique tech, for a 10% discount? Bodkin being even more useless thanks to the siege?!?!? buff. wtf? And you be like hey this should cost 300 gold and 700 gold for 5 more damage against siege.

Do some actual changes to HRE and Ootd, stop catering to your biased favorite civs, when others are this one dimensional. Still only one unique unit for HRE and Ootd is the same as HRE, just worse. Adding the name gilded and giving them horrible stats is not a hard job. This is shameful and straight up offensive.

I see more of a readjustment (they improve Aachen and they will have seen that the MAA update was being very effective in many levels).

Regarding the crossbowmen and the Landsknechts thing, I would like to know the reasons for the change (it is not such a relevant nerf either if you use Meinwerk at 50% discount), although one thing is clear, they have nerfed other civilizations that were doing well against OOTD, so we will have to see.


My problem isn’t really what tier list they are in, f or s tier is not interesting to me. What is making my blood boil is the lack of time spent on designing both the HRE and the Ootd. Just look at the difference between Chinese and Zhu’Xi Legacy.

Chinese were already a very diverse civ, lots of unique military units, it actually feels like a civ they spent time on. And then look at the Zhu’Xi Legacy, same thing there. 8 New landmarks, 8 new models. A new model for the monk. Different effects, abilities. Keyword: “Diversity”.

And then Ootd has a copy/paste landmarks, the only thing they made sure was to nerf that Aachen because otherwise the forums would be swarmed with nerf Ootd posts. Landmarks are exactly the same as the HRE version, as are their military units, just double the cost for 33% of the stats, not to mention double the pop. Keyword: “Monotonous”.

I just don’t understand how they can be this biased when it comes to civ design. It’s actually insane. I’ve stopped playing the game a long time ago because of all the bugs/disrespect from the devs.

I understand your point of view.

I love the infantry civ concept, but in fact, OoTD or HRE are so boring to play. For this reason I love to play Japan.

So why are you asking about the nerf when you are really complaining about its design?

There are also other civs with simple design, but the strategic variety makes them interesting. Maybe the strategy variety of HRE will change with this patch.

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I want to assume that the reason for the technology cost nerf has to do with the change in the Aachen Chapel: It now gives 15% more gathering speed. (Dragon Villagers: 25% + 15% = 40%)

With this change, that Landmark would now produce a good space to obtain food from farms in Late Game Post Imperial, enough to consider it as a replacement for the Meinwerck.

I’d guess that they want to force the playerbase to consider using that landmark compared to Meinwerk in OftD, under the idea that “Even if you choose Meinwerk, you won’t be able to develop its unique technologies until Imperial or in Castles if you can be.” I’m sure they won’t give you a feudal rush, or if you endure that rush.

For my part, I found Order of the Dragon to be a very fun civ to play, as each “base” unit acts very well as a “unique unit” with its own quirks and unique technologies, apart from costing double the population.