Why the heck is ottoman not nerfed?


No seriously, I honestly think this was an oversight from the devs. Most likely they gonna tune down the great bombards survivability against anti-siege units.


They are professionals and had MONTHS for this patch.
Honestly it feels like their decisionmaker has no clue about his own business

Just reading the patchnotes I INSTANTLY knew this is gonna be a huge problem, but
the balancing team couldn’t see this coming? Come on


So called professionals xD

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Well, people always asked for ways to make the Ottomans powerful, now they are.

In fact, the biggest complaints were that the Great Bombards were very expensive, and the Janissaries did little “DamagexSecond”, something that was corrected. And now the big bombards and janissaries, their unique attack units, are also functional now, more of their fans are happy, and in the previous patch there was no problem.

The current problem is that the new balance of the patch, specifically the Nerf to Springald, has made the countermeasure of using Springalds for civs that “Only” have springald as a counter to Great Bombarda (They lack Culverin), making them very susceptible to Ottomans, greatly improving the victory rate of this civ in Imperial Age.

To delay the large bombards + janizaro combo, several things could be done without affecting the unit’s data (for which a lot of effort has been made to make it functional):

  • 1.- Construction Time.- Add more construction time to the large bombard (although it is already long, but the Ottomans, being Ottomans, precisely reduce that)

  • 2.- Technology to Enable it.- Make the large bombards unlocked by a technology (Like Yuan Raider and Zhu Xi’s Imperial Guard), and before that you can build regular bombards.

  • 3.- Same as Rams: Receive 20% more damage in Melee, so that it is more susceptible to men-at-arms or cavalry who manage to reach it.

  • 4.- Increase its minimum Range: which is currently the same as the Bombarda (3.75). It could be 4.75 or 4.5, because it doesn’t make sense for a cannon twice the size of a bombard to be used equally close.

  • 5.- Increase bonus for Light Cavalry against siege in general.- The other suggestion I had was to increase the bonus of light cavalry against siege a little more, not just 10, but like its anti-range bonus, which improves with the promotion of the unit (+10, +13, +16 or something like that).
    → Note: Now, the funny thing is that this would only work for other civs, because the Janissaries are anti-cavalry, but hey, anything to improve the game, since right now we are in Season 6: part 2, “Wars of Siege”. This measure will make more sense if in the future they add Incas or Aztecs in another DLC, because if the “shock infantry” returns, I suppose they will need good anti-siege damage.

I think Ottomans will get nerfed. They are very strong atm.

I hope they dont nerf them wrong way because when the Ottomans came out it was impossible to win game with them they were so bad

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After Springald has been adjusted, Great Bombard has become unstoppable, Maybe 1v1 is still reasonable. But in 3v3 or 4v4, I don’t know how to handle them. With his teammates to protect him, Ottoman only needs Janissar to repair around the Great Bombard, and the Great Bombard can attack unscrupulously. The Great Bombard only needs 5 or more, and Springald has no way to deal with them. Because the Great Bombard only needs one shot to destroy it. It takes 9 launches for Springald to destroy the Great Bombard. Springald has a population of 3 and costs 500 resources. Great Bombard has a population of 4 and costs 1250 resources. It takes the loss of 5 or more Springalds to destroy 1 Great Bombard. In 3v3 or 4v4 games, my opponent uses Ottoman, and my battle loss ratio often reaches 1:2, which is too unbalanced.


I personally don’t think great bombard are the issue, they have already been nerf a few times. And i remember when people were complaining great bombard are useless
 So if they nerf great bombard we would just go back to that.

Problem is Janissaries. They have too much of attack damage against Cavalry, which completely removes the option of countering great bombard with cavalry. Cavalry should be one of the main counter to Great Bombard, Cavalry should not be weak to range units, it makes no sense. this would increase depth of play as more units would ve viable.

They could simply remove some of the cavalry bonus damage (maybe +8 instead of +16) and they would still be incredibly strong against Cavalry. Just not completely overpowered strong against them.

But i think an even better solution would be to have janissaries toggle weapon like desert raiders, in range mode they would have no cavalry bonus, in melee mode they would have faster attack, less base damage, but good bonus against cavalry. I just think a ranged cavalry bonus doesn’t fit well the game, also this would make Janissary more interesting to play.

They can keep trying to fix the great bombard but they have been doing that non stop since the release of ottoman and without success, and have never tried fixing janissaries
 Which are the true reason bombard are so strong. I think it’s clear they need new solution.

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Despite I agree with you on the jann thing, I think the springald nerf was unnecessary.

Springalds need to be a good counter of siege, right now you need 3 springs to kill a mango and 9 springs to kill a great bombard.

Culverin is still great against GB, they need 3 shoots. but not all civs has culverin.

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How much shots need to kill normal bombard?

Devs are kinda clueless and budget for the Devs is super low.
This game - and especially the DLC - made extreme profits and yet it’s slowly dying, as the support is not even 10% of what it should be.
Aoe4 won’t live much longer honestly

But that was Microsoft’s plan.
Make some quick money, milk the cow as hard as possible and then slaughter it.

Worked out.

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According to AoE4 world data, springald has 90 damage versus siege, and bombard has 240 health, so you need 4 shots to take down a bombard taking into account the ranged armor.

If the enemy has the university technology that gives HP and armor to siege units, you would need 6 shots to take down a bombard, since the damage of springald isn’t increased in any way.

Despite needing 4 or 6 shots to kill a bombard, doesn’t seem a problem since a bombard need 2 shots to kill a springald, and they have less range than the springald with the upgrade, and, if you can’t kill them all, they not are a threat to your army, so maybe better you have to focus mangonels.

Whereas GB just need a shot to kill a springald, and has just 1 tile less of range if the springald are upgraded. If they are not upgraded, they have 11 tiles range, whereas springald has 10 tiles, so, it’s literally impossible to shot without lose your springalds.

You need 6 shots to kill a great bombard, and 9 with the university upgrade.

Maybe in lower levels it’s easier to make springalds shot more than a time, but in conqueror at the moment you show up the springalds, they will just attack queue them with the GB and you will lose them all, and if you are lucky you can kill a GB.

The problem is, at the moment you lose your one shot capability, then you can’t kill anymore GB, because you will lose springalds easy to them, and jans will repair them, so you can’t anymore kill more GBs.


Paying for the game to be supported for two years before a paid expansion even came out isn’t what anyone would call “slaughtering” anything.

Please read my post again.
It seemy you missunderstood it.

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What did I misunderstand?

“This game - and especially the DLC - made extreme profits and yet it’s slowly dying, as the support is not even 10% of what it should be.
Aoe4 won’t live much longer honestly
Did you miss this part?

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No, in fact it’s kinda central to my point. You were talking about the game and its DLC. If MS’ strategy was to slaughter the game, it’d never have gotten to the Sultan’s release.

If you think that supporting a game with monthly patches and large quarterly updates, including an “anniversary update” that provided brand-new civs for free, before then working on paid DLC for the second anniversary (while providing substantial updates like reworking the terrain rendering and shadows) is “making some quick money and milking the cow”, then you dont under business costs.

Making quick money would be cutting support in a year or less. Two and a half years in is not that, even if I agree resource should be higher. But I generally think that - the market doesn’t generally inventivise post-release support that doesn’t turn a profit.

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Ok, I’ll try and explain it better.
When you milk a cow, you take your profit off the cow throughout its lifetime.
In the very end, when the poor old cow doesn’t give milk anymore, you slaughter it and sell its meat to Mcdonald’s.
That’s the final part of the exploitation of the animal.
We are now - in aoe4 - getting closer to the final chapter.
The Sultan’s dlc seems still be part of the milking-process though.
According to the huge amount of cash they have made with this game, the support is extremely poor.
Central bugs (reported since beta) are neither fixed, nor even replied to!
Microsoft could have made this game amazing and kept the image of the series as THE triple AAA RTS in the market, but they chose to finally move the name of aoe to the graveyard.
Just poor greed and not giving a damn about their product.
Quick cash, no efforts. That’s it.

The updates and “substantial updates like reworking the terrain rendering and shadows” you are talking about, are things that were expected AT RELEASE in 2021.
Aoe used to be a series, which offered MASSIVE quality on release and was standing out.
Aoe4 was some very expensive and super poor early access.
The game does not deliver (quality).

Ottomen being completely broken for the longest time and the super lazy balance patches (just tickling the issues and make-shift solutions instead of bringing some deep balance) are another massive thorn in the wound of the disappointed fans.
Buffing an already very OP civ further, is just the most ignorant move the balance team could do.
Seems like there is just 1 guy working at it and they give him 5 minutes a day for this work.
Otherwise this can’t be explained.
The speed and amount of balance/bug-fixing updates which is coming in, is extremely, let me repeat this EXTREMELY poor and disappointing.
And when they finally come in, they are not AT ALL thought through.

Sultan’s ascend has been the best-selling DLC in the aoe series so far.
This is a HUGE cash-cow.
Where is the support?
It took multiple months to just answer a tiny fraction of the OP sh!t which was introduced in that rediculous DLC of broken civs and things.
And the ranked play is still massively struggling with balance.

Was this understandable?

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Supporting the game for two and a half years is, once again, the opposite of “no effort”.

Are things unfixed? Yes. Do the devs have resource constraints? Yes. Is the publisher invested in the product to turn a profit (as all companies are)? Yes.

There’s plenty of criticise, but “milking the game” for “quick cash” completely ignores the reality of the game’s lifecycle to date.


Springalds need to be more effective against great bombards, they are supposed to be a counter to it but require more resources and more population to do that
 and it gets worse when faced against multiple great bombards. If not for that I don’t know if they would be too imbalanced, their eco is fairly weak when compared to other civs options.

I hope patch notes come soon and that they have balance changes for ottomans!