Why the Roman's civ UU dont look the same as AOE1 ones?

I’d say it’s easier for AOE1 as fewer civs are left alive at the end. Ignoring East Asia (geographically isolated from the rest), only the Romans, Persians and maybe Greeks (eastern half of the empire) are still on the map.

Rome reached its peak under Trajan, and kept coasting high until the Crisis of the Third Century, then it underwent radical restructuration to become closer to a medieval monarchy and adopting christianity, with new threats emerging (the Germans organised in some coalitions like the Franks that could strike much harder while the Goths and the Huns entered the radar, notably). The Invasion Period is in AOE2, as some invading tribes formed long-lasting kingdoms. That feels like a natural cutting point.

So, AOE2 units should be the 4th and 5th century Romans instead of the 1st and 2nd century, and this is how they look in DE. Yes the Romans Imperial Age would be much earlier than some other civs, but trying to guess an alt-history scenario of how the western roman army would have looked had it survived to the 1400s would be a gamble.

I really like late antiqiity, tbh I think it fita much better with AoE2 though

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Wait, what??? That’s a thing?

Not exactly. You at most see 19th century uniforms that continued into WW1.

Yeah that’s what I meant.

There are some units with British colonial uniforms that are used until after WW2 even.
But yes they were already in use in the 19th century.
There is a few references to early 20th century things though but I forgot them.

But Medieval Infantry (or Crossbows) and Gatling Guns both coexist.

I think there should be a whole expansion focused around Late Antiquity and the Dark Ages, adding civilizations like the Avars, the Lombards, the Saxons, and the Scythians.

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Scythians were gone by late antiquity (0AD onwards). Vandals, Xiongu would be good in addition to those listed.

Those units already exist in the scenario editor and also appear in Attila the Hun campaign. Isn’t it obvious? Why would they transfer an Aoe1 design and spend more time and money remaking all the animations, when they can just get a valid and more contemporary one from the editor? Btw they did the same with the flaming camels.

Yes, I think that in the next dlcs they are going to fill in the gaps between late antiquity and the dark ages (271-711)… the barbarian invasions in AoE 1 (from Arminius and Decebalus to Rugila and Odoacer) and the gothic wars, arabic invasions and flowery wars in AoE 2…and we are forgetting about historical battles for AoE 1…

Not so much, the USA Regulars soldiers and the gatlings soldiers wear a uniform from the American Civil War (1860s)…

Boxers Rebellion and Finnish Revolution from Russians and Swedes…

Necro-ing this post to say that, yikes…the actual trainable Centurion’s appearance is inaccurate, whereas the Scenario Editor version is actually correct in terms of gear. Now, I think the way the Centurion looks in-game is really cool, but it’s still wrong.