Age of empires 2 gets a new Civ called Romans, so uhmm why not ?
Instead of those
We get those ?
Is like Age of empires 1 ends and Age of empires 2 comes and to make the bridge, the UU will be from Age of empires 1. Would it not be cool ?
Age of empires 2 gets a new Civ called Romans, so uhmm why not ?
Instead of those
We get those ?
Is like Age of empires 1 ends and Age of empires 2 comes and to make the bridge, the UU will be from Age of empires 1. Would it not be cool ?
Word limitation sucks.
Even those AOE1 units look more Greek than Roman
Oh, yeah, they should definitely have their 5th century designed after not even the Republic Era, but actually Greek soldiers because why not. /s
The Legionary and Centurion that the Romans have actually depict how they looked in the late Roman army, i.e. Late Antiquity, not Classical Antiquity.
63…Great job, only 37 to go
Did you count mine?
Edit: yes you did! Thanks!
Because the first two represent Late Roman Army and the second pair represent Classic Greek+Classic Romans hybrid equiped soldiers
You are Welcome
Because the roman army changed a lot between the Early Empire of Augustus and Trajan, and the Late Empire. The AOE2 units are period-accurate for the 4th and 5th century.
Having classical antique units in AOE2 would be like having Bronze Age Egyptians in Rome Total War, or like having some King’s Musketeers with their blue coat and fancy hat in the modern French army.
Do I need to elaborate on why this mix would be out of place ?
The AOE1 cavalry is even older as it uses bronze gear. Which was mostly phased out by the time of Caesar, let alone Constantine.
You are Welcome
You’d think the DLC is gonna tank only reading the forums but reddit, facebook and youtube comments have been super positive
You’d think the DLC is gonna tank only reading the forums but reddit, facebook and youtube comments have been super positive
I have no doubt about that… this is normal, you just can’t please everyone, at this point I just going to wait and play the game first, before my Hurays or Whining.
Its a very odd phenomenon everybody here hates it out side everyone loves it.We can see the reality once the sales numbers are out.
It’s meant to be Western Rome: 330 A.D. - 476 A.D.
Popping some champaign for the 100th
Thank you, sadly I am not allowed to mention the 78 discussions on the Romal DLC anymore, my posts get flagged and people’s feelings get hurt by counting.
But I appreciate your help, Thank you
Imperial Rome is closer to us today then they are to Sumerians, yet both are in the same game.
AoE always had the issue with having good cut off points, but I guess that’s an inherit problem with history, things slowly change over time and there are no big fast radical global changes, especially in earlier history.
AoE3 has medieval melee Infantry fight against Gatling Guns and units with WW1 uniforms.
LMAO, people are arguing whether Late Romans should be in AoE 2 at all since the civ is on the boundary of Late Antiquity and Early Medieval, then this thread pops out and I lost it.
Just so you know, in other threads people say civs from Late Antiquity such as Huns shouldn’t be in AoE1 because it’s AoE2 territory and no one bats an eye. It seems nobody wants of this time period.
Which is a shame. Late Antiquity is great. We could almost think about about a nearly 1000 years long period of invasions from the 3rd century to the 10th, equally devided between late antiquity and early middle age.
They’re not the same units. Having them look the same would be confusing.