Yeah - they are OK with that, having 20 jans and 5-10 abyss around 8-9min in my base is completely fine, but jApAn oP, stronk EkO. ( how about Dutch and their Eco, how about Brits and their eco - let me guess - they are OK right? …Yes they are ok meanwhile Japan can be countered with 5 pikes)
What tournaments are u watching mate? Are we playing the same game? Last i checked Brits were the top civ winning.
Last december sweden were fresh and everybody were laming with them - thats why i stopped playing the game for one year. And saying that Japan can do everything is absolute garbage - have u seen the african units and what those civs can do? That is " can do everything" . U cant rush with Japan like u would do in the classic. And 5 pikes can roam around killing shrines - and with that housing the player and murdering his eco- while u mind your own bussiness. So no mate - Japan is trash these days - and that Yabusame nerf just hit the last nail in the coffin.
Most of these complaints about Japan being OP come from treaty players, i can bet my 2 cherry orchars on that - yes after 40 minutes Japan can get decent - i repeat decent - not OP. Classic Japan - OP - DE Japan - Trash.
PS: And even in classic, Japan was not as strong as prepatch Sweden. Shredder Caroleans plus 2 cannons in colonial age - give me a break. I apologize brother but this is as civil as i can be after all this constant complaining about Japan being the God of Aoe3.
What is this, a poll from 21 of july 2021 - postpatch? It says Sweden if my eyes dont decieve me.
And it does not include the africans because they came out on the 2nd of August.
Explanation - people had enough of playing with Sweden and when they got on the other side being trashed by Sweden in 8 mins - suddenly they changed their opinion. Same thing goes with the african civs - after people reverted to their mains and got tower rushed, cannonneered, javelined and what not by the african civs - they also started voicing their opinions that - yes, these civs are broken af and we need a balance patch.
flqming arrows don’t even one-shot the majority of veteran heavy infantry, I don’t understand the facination with nerfing flaming arrows. They barely do their job at all and are so low hp you can just right click with the majority of musk units or any dragoon type unit
I’m not talking about anything being OP you misunderstand.
Japan can do a good rush with Torii Gates, a Daimyo, unit shipment can be sent twice, consulate troops. Ashi move fast so you can get across the map quick. you can easily kill 5 pikes with your first batch of Ashi and than the enemy makes 5 skirm/musk next you can run away (extra speed) and with your next 5 Ashi you can beat 5 skirm and 5 pike.
You can also just walk past the enemy skirms/musk and go kill vills since they can’t catch you. If the enemy makes musk you can start a Yumi mass that you can use all game, other civs only have xbow in age 2 and then don’t want to use them later.
If you mess up the rush then go Age 3 and hit that 7 vills twice. You can’t raid Japan well since they don’t get hunts. The enemy will usually not march straight into your base because they have to burn down shrines. In that time you have line of sight and time to prepare. if a shrine was build with 75w (4 animals) then it will pay for itself in 2 mins.
Japan has good age 2. if you play against and Otto you can look at their cards and see what is coming and prepare.
I’m not talking about nerfing flaming arrows I just said they are S tier. They are not so easy to kill with infantry since they are fast, have more range than a falconet and pack fast. They are also cheap so you can make more of them and if some die it’s fine cause they are cheap.
Newer civs should be adjusted indeed and require more attention right now but that doesn’t mean all the other civs are fine. Japan has been balanced (1v1 sup) but the underlying issues have not be resolved when it comes to the civ design. Japan is probably the civ that has been complained about the longest. I have stated my reasons above and have mentioned earlier how Sweden and the African civs have some good design choices even though they may not be balanced.
@BazzZ94 Yes yes…try and do that. It works around 800-900 elo and below. I replied to your post not about the civ design but about the “yumi nerf” u were asking for. The civ design on the other hand is superb - when i got my hands on this game all other civs looked the same(warchiefs civs are great also). Im decent with every civ but i stuck with Japan only because they are a bit harder to master and u need to multitask. Japan catched my eye with its civ design. Everybody complains about shrines while dutch can have the whole coin in the world…smh. Reconsider your thoughts about Japan mate. Japan and China to me are the most interesting civs to play with because of their design.
@Lyvione I disagree with what you say but I appreciate your input.
About the banks…
Banks cost 700 resources and take 5mins to pay for themselves while a shrine with 4 animals that cost 75w only takes 2mins to pay for itself. Among other things. This is off topic though.
Im pretty sure that playing this game for about 10+ years - i have the bare minimum knowledge of how Japan works oh u wise and full of knowledge guy. @Moonshadow7475 this happens - answer to @hamletlopez . If u play against a 500 elo player u can get those shrines gooood. But people like moonshadow happen.
Doubtful. it takes around 4:50-5:50 for japan to get to age 2 depending on starting resources and treasures. 10 shrines before 6 minutes is 750 wood + 200 wood (for consulate). It is literally impossible unless someone gets very lucky.
And even if you invest into that, you’re dead against an early rush, you will have no military.
Specifically, the lakota early axe rider rush is very strong against Japan.
@Moonshadow7475 U are dead yes - either by mass strelets, or axe riders or, mass jans. U cant full shrine and also produce military and be able to defend against those rushes - against people that know what they are doing. Thats A LOT of wood. Thats why i adapted with the “faster wonder building” card and i need to put like 4 vills if i want to catch up with the ageup timing. But 4 vills in early game is a lot. And even if u manage to defend 1 wave - otto for example is already with 2 TC’s and from there - u press the resign button. Even the wood card wont save you.
I usually go meta counter against lakota, russia, spain, ottomans and other rush based civs. That’s essentially doing the normal age 1 things, age up with torii gates, ship yumi/asigaru upon reaching age 2, switch villies to wood to get a castle. I definitely won’t be doing shrine spam. Still, it is an uphill battle and more often than not, Japan loses to such early pressure, because their food gathering is trash.
If you wanna be like that I’m 21 and I’ve been playing this game since I it came out. Infact It was the first game I owned. Now that we are on the same level. I have an elo of 1200 and Japan still wins alot. I’m one of those people who play every civ and when have enough of loosing with ottomans or Aztec or some other okay civ, I swap to Japan or Dutch to start winning again.
Listen I get where you are coming from but that’s not the experience I’ve or my friends have had.