The native tech Wild Horses at the Tengri doesn’t effect shock infantry. Basically all other native cavalry techs help shock infantry. Why doesn’t this one?
The tech increases attack speed by 10% (faster attacks) and adds 0.5 speed.
I could imagine that being too strong on Shock Infantry which tend towards higher DPS. The other natives that are often present on the same maps also have shock infantry so that could be an issue as well.
If it was intentional, maybe just make it add 0.25 speed and increase attack speed by 5% on Shock Infantry. That would seem reasonable, it’s one of the best native techs in the game imo.
Seems pretty intentional to not affect Shock Infantry.
The Tengri update showed up, I think, after the distinction between cavalry and shock infantry, so specifiyng “MOUNTED UNITS” can’t mean anything different, weird upgrade…
The chimu has been taken out and shot behind the shed and then been run over with a tank. The coyote on the other hand just remained as it always was a solid unit.
Chimu were pretty solid the last times I used them but in all honesty the tech would not be any less busted on a unit like buffed Chinaco/Bosniak or Cuirs or swedish Hussars, let alone Lakota cav and Hakkas
Well, you see, those techs are from legacy and Win(L)d Horses is a DE Tech. Since on DE, Techs and uniTs must be very liTeral, we have the currenT iTeraTion of Win(L)d Horses which has no effect on shock infantry. This aligns with the nerfs of Sepoys (big sword = shiT vs Cav adhering to the Janissary design Template).