Will we get some news in 2024?

I don’t think they will release gameplay now, maybe in June for the Summer Game Show and release the game in October…

Yes, something like that…

I don’t think so, the siege units in AoM and AoEO do not use crew members, but it would be nice, considering that it is the same graphics engine…

AoE3(DE) is the only game in the series that has crewed siege, but:

  • AoE1 and AoE2 are old 2D games
  • AoM was the first 3D game so they wanted to have to render less units
  • AoEO is cartoony so abstract things like siege with no crew make sense
  • AoE4 copied AoE2 and was widely criticised for not having crewed siege (there is a ghost crew though)

So I think there is a chance that they will add crews to siege and people will criticise them if they won’t do it.

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Yeah, maybe the classic siege weapons will don’t have siege crews (the petrobolos, ballista and onagers) but the new siege weapons for sure…

I don’t think a mix would make sense, but it kinda already is one.
Cheiroballista already have someone that operates them.

100% agree…
I was honestly more than shocked when I saw that siege engines didn’t have crews in aoe4…
I thought to myself, is this an april’s fools joke? A really terrible one?
Honestly I was excited as hell for aoe4, but it was a huge disappointment in so many ways…

Hoping for aom retold to be amazing again, like the aoe3 and the original aom were.


I’d like to point up that some units in AoE 2 have siege crews, such as the Bombard Cannon or the Organ Gun. There’s also a mod that adds crews for mangonels and scorpions but well… that’s rather unofficial.

As for AoE 4 - weirdly enough, people found siege crews in the editor, yet they ended up being unused in the game.

Ships and boats too. Hopefully they will have crew models in them.

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Looking forward to a release that results in window not responding lag.

Something akin to this description https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe3/comments/jhwam2/aoe3de_freezes_online_sometimes/

since I don’t have screenshots saved of it.

Or can Microsoft produce coders that exceed the level the originals left it at 2003? Somehow I doubt it. I end up with such expectations that leave me disappointed. Still curious to see something tho.

It makes me think how Microsoft is a big corp who can overpay teams of coders, yet I bet lacks even ‘1’ good one that could avoid such an obvious issue. The issue was already in aom:ee and aoe3:de, of placing useless post-processing and screen effects, that barely changed the visuals, or a ‘hook’ overlay over the existing renderer, creating window lag that for some reason, only created lag between frames (harder to click, and lack of responsiveness, and they simply do it and place ‘higher minimum requirements’). In Aoe3DE I remember that in some 3v3 matches it would randomly just freeze the screen and some people of course had the high-end hardware, same thing for them. For a renderer that used to ‘run just fine’ and allow cilcking, it just shows they will release junk or make it worse on purpose, then say “deal with it” to the buyer. While I overall liked the re-releases and it preserves the game, the post-processing and broken things added clearly did add lag issues. If you run the original versions that rendered on the base level, as I recall, it ran just fine (the frames are still very high, you can click anywhere with full responsiveness, and so on). They probably just suck at it, as has been my experience in the industry when encountering such people issues. It demonstrates that ‘copy paste’ and ‘add things in’ mentality where they consider that ‘the only solution’, rather than ‘do it right in the raw code’ mentality that gets them ‘stuck’ whenever they have to do something themselves; and they are hysterically afraid of touching code because even with the actual source, they don’t understand how it was written, nor are capable of writing at that level of performance/quality. So I am expecting again some high ‘minimum requirements’ even tho the originals ran fine on even 1999-2000 hardware at the time based on this sort of crap. When it simply happens- it won’t even matter, I’ll just have predicted it again.

Imagine a game where they expected you to click alot all over and then it suddenly in 3d mode says ‘not responding’ and you have to wait, or it closes itself. so I hope they fix it but again I doubt it, they are prone to putting bandaid solutions to fixable issues. aoe3de or aomee or not, probably aomee would ahve been a better ‘base engine’ to start with tbh in that regard if they actually cared for performance. But more likely, I think players will be fooled and think ‘wow new high requirements’ and not care at all even when it possibly ‘crashes’ lol. They will be lke ‘I have the 5000GTX which cost me 3000$ and im getting liek 38 fps, not sure watur problems are guys’ and not kno that like a 1999 computer used to run that engine (aoe3) at like >60 fps. Feel free to prove me wrong for once tho, when it comes to these new dev/game releases.

On more ‘ancient’ engines that use some obscure build of DirectX5 and DirectDraw, it would make more sense to see such issues; yet they probably modernized those just fine. But when you see both engines are usually running on like Direct3D9 (a still fairly modern renderer, that can still be worked with even in 2024), then you can start to see why it was ‘choices’ to cut corners, not actual limitations, that appear to cause aomre and aoe3de to have lag/crashes- when the ‘main thing’ was just adding steam servers into the interfaces. They did as a result make it appear much smoother looking, but by adding unnecessary screen lag because of a reliance on ‘post processing’ FX. They have more like a hook/addon mentality for their interfaces rather than ‘lets actually use the renderer/existing code’ type of mentality. Much of the ‘lag’ of aomee and aoe3de is literally by forced post processing which limits the frame rate, because the ‘smoothness’ is then applied after the frame. That of course is ‘slower’ than if they could manually apply AA/smoothness on individual units and such and simply forced it on that way on the actual renderer properly, etc., and understood that more at a base level. Then, if so, they could easily package it so that it ‘appears newer’ or ‘looks a bit different’ as they sort of did, but performance would not suffer even half as much. As a result, lag for stupid things that were mostly visual tricks or cut-corners for new overlay interfaces. And I predict it will just happen again.

Oh look it’s a TrickishBook post again. Time to skip it.

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AoMR will be made in the AoE3DE engine.
That means they are using an engine they have worked with for years by now. That’s obviously not a guarantee that the game will launch without bugs but it will make it a lot easier for them then the AoE3DE release.

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Sure, you’re right… Maybe that’s what you say…

Yes, you two are right, hopefully the devs of both games will do that…

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I’m glad the development team hasn’t forgotten about AoM. Someone predicted that when 3DE Updates became less frequent, The Developers would be mobilized to work on Retold, and I’m relieved to see that’s exactly the case.

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Yes, both games use the same engine so things don’t change too much…the issue is that the team is small and they have to divide it into 2 games (or 3 if you count 2 DE)…